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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
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How to deal with microplastics in our daily life
Posted on:25 June 2024

Microplastics are everywhere. These tiny pieces of plastic enter our bodies through the air that we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. In her research, Irene Maltagliati, a PhD candidate in Health and Environmental communication and Scientific Coordinator at the Rudolf Agricola School, focuses on how we can be more aware of microplastics and change our behaviour.

Growing coffee in the shade: Towards agricultural sustainability in Colombia.
Posted on:24 June 2024

William Andrés Cardona is the winner of a Rudolf Agricola PhD Grant. With this grant, he can evaluate different sustainable indicators in forty coffee farms in the Meta department in central Colombia for his research:

'Farmers there now cultivate monocultures of coffee plants, but we believe it can be much better with agroforestry. There is a lot of space between the coffee plants where other crops and trees can be planted, which benefits sustainability.'

Exploring the Historical Roots of Ecological Challenges: Insights from the 2024 Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School
Posted on:17 June 2024

What is the historical backgrounds of ecological challenges? That was the question at the heart of the Summer School: 'Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2024, that was helf from Monday, May 27 until Friday, May 31, 2024

Estel van den Berg gives a brief overview.

Awarded Rudolf Agricola PhD Grants, second round, for 2024: William Andrés Cardona, Nafiseh Orouji, Harm Heye Coordes, and Huiyuan Pang!
Posted on:10 June 2024

 We are thrilled to congratulate the recipients of the Rudolf Agricola PhD Grants, second round, for 2024: William Andrés Cardona, Nafiseh Orouji, Harm Heye Coordes, and Huiyuan Pang!

What are the consequences of climate change on migratory birds? Dr. Maarten Loonen on his paper "Contrasting consequences of climate change for migratory geese.'
Posted on:10 June 2024

What are the consequences of climate change on migratory birds? Dr. Maarten Loonen investigates this question in his paper 'Contrasting consequences of climate change for migratory geese: Predation, density dependence and carryover effects offset benefits of high‐arctic warming.'

'We’re often amazed about the lack of attention paid to logistics in urban planning.'
Posted on:06 June 2024

How do you render urban logistics sustainable? That is a question which fascinates dr. Ir. Paul Buijs and dr. Ward Rauws. Buijs is a business manager with a passion for efficient organisation. Rauws is an urban planner exploring the impact of policy on a city. They have found each other in the interdisciplinary research group ‘ Logistics in the Sustainable Urban Landscape’ of the Rudolf Agricola School. In this interview, they discuss the challenges and opportunities of urban logistics. They explain how interdisciplinarity can function as an eye-opener,  along with the importance of collaboration between academics and policy-makers.

Student Chris Kobelke participated in the ‘Multigenerational Hackathon on Sustainable Development’
Posted on:04 June 2024

The Rudolf Agricola School's first Hackathon has just finished. In four groups they worked on four different challenges. One of the challenges was introduced by the municipality of Groningen: ‘How can we encourage students to eat more plant-based food?’ Five students worked on this challenge. Chris Kobelke was one of them.

Food Transition in Action: Participants of the Sustainability Hackathon at Agricola School Conduct Research for the Municipality of Groningen
Posted on:04 June 2024

The Rudolf Agricola School's first Hackathon has just finished. In four groups they worked on four different challenges. One of the challenges was brought in by the municipality of Groningen: ‘How can we encourage students to eat more plant-based food?’ Shortly before the final presentation, we spoke to Hilde Lavell, Yvet Panjer of the Groningen municipality, and Emma Zaal, mentor of the students.

NWO Open Competition XS grants for 'Eco-anxiety, social media and young people in the Netherlands' - Dr. Marc Esteve Del Valle
Posted on:03 June 2024

Rudolf Agricola Fellow Dr Marc Esteve Del Valle has been awarded a research grant from NWO for his reasearch project 'Eco-anxiety, social media and young people in the Netherlands.' The grant is part of the SSH Open Competition XS program and is worth up to 50,000 euros. This program aims to support promising ideas and innovative initiatives within the social sciences and humanities disciplines.

Veel lof en media-aandacht voor kritisch rapport prof. De Kam over waardedalingsregeling aardbevingsgebied.
Posted on:30 May 2024

George de Kam, emeritus hoogleraar volkshuisvesting en grondmarkt, presenteerde op 29 mei een kritisch rapport over de waardedalingsregeling voor huizenbezitters in het aardbevingsgebied. Tijdens de goedbezochte bijeenkomst in het House of Connections plaatste hij kanttekeningen bij de huidige waardedalingsregeling van het Instituut Mijnbouwschade Groningen (IMG). Ook introduceerde de emeritus hoogleraar zijn eigen alternatief. De presentatie werd georganiseerd door de Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development.

In the media: A solar park is not always a curse for nature. 'Birds appear wherever something grows'
Posted on:28 May 2024

To prevent nature loss during the construction of a solar park in a prime farmland bird area, more effort needs to be made on compensation measures. This is according to Groningen researcher Raymond Klaassen in the Dagblad van het Noorden of 23 May.

‘Huidige waardedalingsregeling doet zwaarst getroffen eigenaren tekort’ | Emeritus hoogleraar De Kam presenteert kritisch rapport
Posted on:22 May 2024

George de Kam, emeritus hoogleraar volkshuisvesting en grondmarkt, presenteert op 29 mei in het House of Connections zijn rapport, waarin hij met medeauteur Eric Hol kanttekeningen plaatst bij de waardedalingsregeling van het Instituut Mijnbouwschade Groningen (IMG). Volgens de emeritus hoogleraar moet de compensatie voor waardedaling door aardbevingen eerlijker en rechtvaardiger.

'A polycentric approach makes it more challenging for regimes to control the global internet.'| Interview with dr. Carolina Aguerre
Posted on:21 May 2024

The internet began as a 'free world,' where data flowed globally without state control. Over time, these data streams have grown and become intertwined with almost every aspect of our lives. Governments and organizations are now striving to manage these data flows, which brings unprecedented political, economic, and cultural power. What does this mean for the future?

Dr. Hamed Seddighi on the plight of children during natural disasters and conflicts
Posted on:14 May 2024

What is the best method to compile information and knowledge about the plight of children during natural disasters and conflicts? Dr. Hamed Seddighi provides an answer to that question with his paper 'Child Abuse in Natural Disasters and Conflicts: A Systematic Review.'

PhD/i, the learning community for interfaculty PhD projects at the UG, is now part of the Schools for Science & Society
Posted on:07 May 2024

PhD/i, the learning community for interfaculty PhD projects at the UG, will become part of the Schools for Science & Society from May. According to scientific director Konstantin Mierau, this is the perfect fit . 'Within the Schools, we can further work on the positive visibility of interfaculty and interdisciplinary PhDs and their supervisors.'

'Photo's as Science' | Dr. David Shim on the photo exposition Climate No Future'' in Galerie Lichtzone Groningen
Posted on:06 May 2024

This month, 34 special photos are on display at Galerie Lichtzone in Gelkingestraat. Special, not only because they were not taken by photojournalists but by activists themselves, but also special because they are science. Science? Yes, says Dr. David Shim. They are the outcome of a scientific research project that started in June 2022.

Accelerating Sustainable Development: Insights from the Groningen Workshop writing a international consensus paper for the UN ‘Summit of the Future 2024.’
Posted on:29 April 2024

The 3-day workshop held in Groningen from April 22nd to 24th, 2024. The workshop was organized by dr. Prajal Pradhan (University Groningen) and the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development, was a crucial platform for accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in collaboration with the United Nations. Over 50 scientists from various countries participated in drafting a consensus paper aimed at turbocharging the progress towards the SDGs, which will inform the UN Summit of the Future 2024.

From battling against the water to living with the water |Interview with dr. Margo van den Brink, associate professor of Water and Planning
Posted on:29 April 2024

Extreme showers, heat waves, floods, and rising sea levels are all threats to our low-lying delta. Margo van den Brink, associate professor of Water and Planning, says that we should adapt our spatial design to the changing climate. This implies difficult choices have to be made because the space is limited and the needs are great. According to her, it can be called a transition: from ‘battling against the water’ to ‘living with the water’.

Gap between city and region widens. ‘Since the financial crisis, property investors consider the region a risk,’ says researcher Dr. Michiel Daams.
Posted on:16 April 2024

Property investments  are proving to be an important explanation for the gap between large cities and the region, says Michiel Daams, assistant professor of Economic Geography of  Real Estate Markets. He carried out a study on property investments in the United Kingdom and the United States. According to Daams, the same situation may apply to the Netherlands. ‘Since the financial crisis, investors have been stashing their cash under the mattress of the big cities, while the region lags behind.’

Nieuwe essayreeks: Duurzaamheidsverslaggeving na de CSRD
Posted on:08 April 2024

De eerste editie is uit van de gratis essayreeks van UGBS over duurzaamheidsverslaggeving sinds de CSRD. Met tips voor ondernemers. Abonneer om op de hoogte te blijven van nieuwe edities.

Prof. Per Angelstam on the need for forest reserves to protect biodiversity in Sweden. | Video
Posted on:02 April 2024

'How many of Sweden's forests need to be protected to prevent biodiversity loss?' asked the Swedish government to Prof. Per Angelstam in the 1990s. To answer that question, Angelstam wrote the article 'Estimates of the Needs for Forest Reserves in Sweden.' It had a tremendous impact.

Tussenrapport: Ecologische inrichting van zonneparken helpt natuur, maar niet alle soorten profiteren
Posted on:02 April 2024

Een meer ecologische inrichting van zonneparken met ruigere begroeiing en struiken is goed voor de biodiversiteit. Dat blijkt uit de eerste resultaten van een vijfjarig onderzoek, uitgevoerd door de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG), in samenwerking met de provincie Groningen en Novar. Echter, niet alle soorten profiteren van ecologisch ingerichte zonneparken. Akkervogels zoals veldleeuweriken blijven er weg.

De route naar het extraparlementaire kabinet: Onderzoekers van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ontleden de huidige onderhandelingen
Posted on:21 March 2024

Na lang praten lijkt het erop dat de PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB bereid zijn om verder te onderhandelen over een nieuw (extraparlementair) kabinet. Onderzoekers van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen voorspelden na de verkiezingen de uitkomsten van de onderhandelingen van de rechtse coalitie, maar ook van een middencoalitie. In dit interview vertellen ze over hun voorspellingen en de huidige stand van zaken in de onderhandelingen.

Maciej Grzenkowicz and Julia Munuera Garcia win Rudolf Agricola PhD Grants March 2024
Posted on:20 March 2024

Maciej Grzenkowicz  is PhD researcher in Multimodal Argumentation at the Faculty of Arts. He is looking in to ways to counter disinformation on TikTok. With the Grant he will employ four student assistants to help him in collecting and translating TikTok-clips in languages such as Arabic.

Julia Munuera Garcia, is PhD researcher at University College Groningen, Department of Social Science. She is raising awareness on how accessibility, encounters and mobilities influence people with disabilities’ experiences in the city. With the Grant money she will produce a boardgame that will help raising awareness on how people with disabilities have to cope.

Archaeologists offer long-term perspectives. What archaeology can tell us about wetlands and the future of the Netherlands | Interview with Dr De Haas and Dr Schepers
Posted on:19 March 2024

 Dr Tymon De Haas is an archaeologist of the Mediterranean. Dr Mans Schepers works on the prehistory of Northwest Europe. On the face of it they are two quite different specialisations, yet they work together frequently. Their shared interest: the development of ‘wetlands’. They are comparing the Pontine marshes in Italy with the Onlanden near Groningen. Recently they edited an issue of the Journal of Wetland Archaeology together.

Norways Security Strategy following the Invasion of Ukraine |special guest Ole Martin Stormoen
Posted on:11 March 2024

Listen to the podcast 'A Global Perspective on European Politics,' episode 24: Norways Security Strategy following the Invasion of Ukraine, with special guest Ole Martin Stormoen. He is an external candidate of the University of Groningen

'For Trump's supporters, his appeal lies in transgressing norms.’ | Interview met dr. Lisa Gaufman en dr. Bharath Ganesh
Posted on:26 February 2024

In The Trump Carnival, which will be officially presented at the University of Groningen's Academy Building on 29 February, researchers Lisa Gaufman and Bharath Ganesh draw a comparison between Trump and the medieval carnival. During carnival, 'the people' seized power, but for many minorities it was a cruel celebration, the scholars argue in their book.

European Researchers' Night returns to Groningen
Posted on:14 February 2024

For the next two years, Groningen will again 'host' the European Researchers' Night, to celebrate and showcase science. The application of the four Schools for Science & Society of the University of Groningen, which jointly organise the Night, was approved on Tuesday. The Night includes a science festival in Forum Groningen, an event full of experiments, shows, science battles, music and dance.

Future Planet Innovation Showcase: Students Pioneering Sustainability in Groningen
Posted on:06 February 2024

On Thursday, 1st February, the House of Connections in Groningen witnessed an insightful showcase of student engagement with sustainability projects. This event was the culmination of months of education on sustainability in the minor 'Future Planet Innovation'. The five projects spanned diverse areas, each contributing to a more sustainable society.

dr. Jeanette den Toonder|Narrating pain: The power of storytelling
Posted on:06 February 2024

dr. Jeannette den Toonder, shares insights on the experiences of migrants, in an interview about her key paper 'Narrating pain: The power of storytelling in Maryam Madjidi’s Marx et la poupée.'

'Ecologists should step out of their traditional roles and actively help in building a liveable future for all living creatures' | Selen Eren
Posted on:05 February 2024

The most important finding, is the call for ecologists to move beyond their traditional roles and comfort zones to actively participate in building multispecies liveable futures. And they can do this by changing their research practices to better guide action in the field.

The farmers and nazorgers say, 'We understand what's going on – intensive agriculture is bad for the birds – but we want to know what we can do to reverse the trends. Help us!’

Hoe maak je je bedrijf circulair? Volop ideeën en inspiratie tijdens Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst van Circulair Groningen
Posted on:01 February 2024

Inspiratie en ideeën stroomden over tijdens de eerste Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst van Circulair Groningen. Het enthousiasme voor circulaire initiatieven was duidelijk voelbaar in Groningen, maar de vraag bleef: hoe kunnen we deze ambitie concreet realiseren? Tijdens de bijeenkomst, waarbij meer dan honderd deelnemers aanwezig waren, werd duidelijk dat Groningen actief werkt aan oplossingen voor milieuproblemen.

Interactive stories about the strength of the North. Past, present, future. | Interview with Prof. Dr. Marijn Molema
Posted on:30 January 2024

In 2024, the Noordelijke OntwikkelingsMaatschappij  (Northern Development Company, NOM) will celebrate its 50th anniversary. NOM sees this anniversary as a good opportunity to look back at how it was, be proud of what is there, and continue to build on the future with good courage and confidence.

Project on sustainable urban logistics (GLEAM NSR) kicks off
Posted on:30 January 2024

All partners in the project GLEAM NSR, led by the University of Groningen, met this week for the official kick-off at the university’s House of Connections. The project focuses on the role of governance towards just and green urban logistics. The EU funds the project within the framework of the Interreg North Sea programme. In this project, sustainable logistics expert Paul Buijs is one of the representatives of the University of Groningen.  

Groningse wetenschappers: middencoalitie GLPvdA, VVD, NSC, D66 en BBB minder kans op breekpunten dan rechtse met PVV
Posted on:30 January 2024

Komen de rechtse partijen er op het punt van de rechtstaat niet uit, dan heeft een middencoalitie een goede kans. Die heeft minder kans op breekpunten dan een rechtse. Dit concluderen sociologen Liza van den Enk, Jelmer Draaijer, dr. Jacob Dijkstra en prof. dr. Frans Stokman van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen op basis van het REX Decide Model. 

Watch: Dr. Maarten Loonen talks about climate change in the Arctic on Buitenhof (NPO1).
Posted on:22 January 2024

Watch: Dr. Maarten Loonen talks about climate change in the Arctic on Buitenhof (NPO1).

'Every year, I sail to a place where there used to be a glacier,' says polar biologist Maarten Loonen. He has been conducting research in Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean for over 30 years. Loonen feels a sense of helplessness when it comes to climate change.

‘The idea to become number one again made Britain a shattered nation’
Posted on:18 January 2024

Danny Dorling, a renowned English social geographer, sheds light on the alarming developments in England in his latest book, 'Shattered Nation: Inequality and the Geography of A Failing State.'

Digging Sustainability Science: dr. Marc Pauly on referenda |Video Series
Posted on:11 January 2024

How do you ensure that referendums function effectively? Master student Petar Tsonev interviews dr. Marc Pauly about his key paper Characterizing referenda with quorums via strategy-proofness.

Digging Sustainability Science is a video series on key papers by Fellows of the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development.

Podcast: Invasion of Ukraine and Relationschip between Geopolitics and Russian Identity
Posted on:10 January 2024

A Global Perspective on European Politics | Episode 23: Invasion of Ukraine and the Relationship between Geopolitics and Russian Identity.

Guest: Tom Casier is Chair in Global Politics of Europe at the University of Groningen.

Decolonization, or just an other form of colonization? | Ass. Prof Caitlin Ryan on the new land laws protecting indigenous rights in Liberia and Sierra Leone
Posted on:09 January 2024

Decolonization, or just an other form of colonization? | Ass. Prof Caitlin Ryan on the new land laws protecting indigenous rights in Liberia and Sierra Leone

'The new land laws are prodigiously progressive. On paper they are the most interesting in the world. All societal organizations were able to make their voices heard in the drafting process.'

How did England develop from the world's leading power into a failing state? | dr. Danny Dorling on 'Shattered Nation.'
Posted on:20 December 2023

Dr. Danny Dorling on his book ‘Shattered Nation. Inequality and the Geography of A Failing State.’

‘Limited resources but infinite possibilities.’ | Interview with prof. Godfrey Baldacchino on the importance of Island Studies
Posted on:19 December 2023

Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino visited Groningen this month, and gave lectures for the ‘Islands and Sustainability’ master. This is part of an Erasmus Mundus master programme. Baldacchino is also an international Rudolf Agricola Fellow: he is well known as one of the driving forces behind the relatively new field of island studies.

Delegation Northwest A&F University (China) visits Rudolf Agricola School
Posted on:14 December 2023

On December 7th, a delegation from Northwest A&F University ( Xianyangm, China), led by Vice President Wu Xiaocheng, paid a visit to the University of Groningen.

Dr. Frans Sijtsma, Wanli Zheng and several research fellows from the Rudolf Agricola School, along with UG Secretary-General dr. Stephan van Galen, welcomed the delegation at the House of Connections.

dr. Brian Cook | Beyond leaflets: A dialogic approach to risk mitigation is more effective
Posted on:12 December 2023

Dr. Brian Cook from the University of Melbourne was in Groningen to share insights on risk mitigation at the household scale.

His study's results suggest that engaging in meaningful conversations has a more significant impact on raising awareness and prompting behavioral change than conventional methods. It emphasizes the importance of involving communities actively in discussions about their risks, steering away from passive information dissemination.

Dr. Cook raised important questions about public awareness, their actions, and the efficacy of traditional information dissemination. Cook and his team of researchers are developing a new way of engaging with communities, with the aim of improving risk reduction behaviors through partnerships between emergency services, researchers, and the public.

dr. Mónica López López and dr. Mijntje ten Brummelaar receive a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action
Posted on:06 December 2023

Rudolf Agricola Fellows Mónica López López and Mijntje ten Brummelaar have received a European-funded project. They do so, together with a consortium of seventeen institutions (seven of which are non-academic) in twelf different countries. The project is coordinated by Dr Montserrat Rifà at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

'Global minimum tax rate not as fair as it seems.' The Complexity of International Taxes | Interview with Mr. Raymond Adema
Posted on:04 December 2023

Global minimum tax rate not as fair as it seems. The Complexity of International Taxes | Interview with Mr. Raymond Adema.

Interview series ' Sustainability Science in Progress' of the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development.

Vacancy: PHD Realistic Computational Models Of Behavior In Cascading Disasters (1.0 FTE) (V23.0774)
Posted on:30 November 2023

Vacancy: PHD Realistic Computational Models Of Behavior In Cascading Disasters (1.0 FTE) (V23.0774)

Funded by the M20 PhD Program 2023 and conducted in close connection with the Agricola School for Sustainable Development

Scientific Coordinator Rudolf Agricola School Wanli Zheng participated in annual China CSC PhD Workshop in Beijing and Shanghai
Posted on:29 November 2023

From November 18 to 21 this year, Wanli Zheng, Scientific Coordinator at Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development and Project Manager for Research Strategy and Partnerships in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, participated in the annual China CSC PhD Workshop held in Beijing and Shanghai. During the workshop, Wanli Zheng conducted interviews and pre-selected potential PhD candidates.

Insights in Impact. The societal consequences of gas extraction and perspectives for the future | New book by Kennisplatform
Posted on:29 November 2023

Insights in Impact. The societal consequences of gas extraction and perspectives for the future | New book by Kennisplatform Leefbaar en Kansrijk Groningen. With a free download of the book.

Three UEF grants for interdisciplinary doctoral research at the Rudolf Agricola School
Posted on:15 November 2023

Tien beurzen voor interdisciplinair promotieonderzoek RUG Schools. Het Ubbo Emmiusfonds (UEF) kent tien grants toe aan onderzoeksprojecten van de RUG Schools vanuit het M20 Promotieprogramma.

Josefine Geiger, Irene Maltagliati and Barbro Melgert receive ZonMW grant to investigate Social Aspects of Microplastics Pollution
Posted on:14 November 2023

Josefine Geiger, Irene Maltagliati and Barbro Melgert have secured a grant of €300,000 for the project from ZonMW ‘Microplastics & Citizens’

'Free speech doesn't always lead to the truth.' | prof. Lisa Herzog on her book ‘Citizen knowledge.' 
Posted on:09 November 2023

Interview: prof. Lisa Herzog on her book ‘Citizen knowledge.  Markets, experts, and the infrastructure of democracy’. This interview is part of the Rudolf Agricola School interview series 'Sustainability Science in Progress.'

Spring School 2024: Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Posted on:08 November 2023

Spring School 2024: Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Climate change, depletion of natural resources, loss of natural and cultural landscapes, and many other (ecological) sustainability challenges urge us to (re)evaluate human interaction with the natural world. This renewed environmental consciousness has invigorated not only scientists working on effects in the present and solutions for the future, but also those who study the (distant) past.

Special Issue Journal of Wetland Archaeology co-edited by dr. Tymon de Haas and dr. Mans Schepers
Posted on:26 October 2023

Special Issue Journal of Wetland Archaeology co-edited by RAF's dr. Tymon de Haas and dr. Mans Schepers.

Account of the Conference 2023 of the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Posted on:24 October 2023

The Rudolf Agricola Conference 'Connecting for Sustainability', held on October 19th witnessed a remarkable turnout. The event featured a day filled with valuable interactions, enthusiastic participation from scholars, and addressed numerous inquiries from stakeholders like LandschappenNL, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Groningen Municipality, Safety Region Groningen.

Dirk Pieter van Donk and Kirstin Scholten receive grant for a project on Supply Chain Resilience
Posted on:23 October 2023

Professor Dirk Pieter van Donk and Associate Professor Kirstin Scholten and partners, have secured a substantial grant of €1 million, with €400,000 allocated to the University of Groningen (UG), for a new research project titled 'Next Gen Supply Chain Resilience: Short-Term Wins, Long-Term Gains.'

Professor Dirk Pieter van Donk and Associate Professor Kirstin Scholten are Fellows of the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development

Join us in supporting Isabel Pacheco’s research on circular consumption
Posted on:18 October 2023

Join us in supporting Isabel Pacheco’s research on circular consumption

New book prof. Lisa Herzog:'Citizen Knowledge: Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy'
Posted on:10 October 2023

New book Lisa Herzog:'Citizen Knowledge: Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy'

Read the book here online

Rudolf Agricola fellow publishes book on democracy and fake news

Exploring the World of Data in Merchandise Trade: Insights from RUG researchers
Posted on:05 October 2023

Exploring the World of Data in Merchandise Trade: Insights from RUG researchers

What are the three fundamental categories of trade data? What are prominent sources of product-level trade data?

What is Panjiva ,

What is Wirescreen ?

What is Wirescreen ?

Staatsbosbeheer and the Rudolf Agricola School join forces to conduct scientific research on sustainable nature and landscape development.
Posted on:05 October 2023

Staatsbosbeheer and the Rudolf Agricola School join forces to conduct scientific research on sustainable nature and landscape development. On Thursday, October 5, Jesler Kiestra and Frans J. Sijtsma signed a cooperation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) between Staatsbosbeheer and the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development at the University of Groningen.

Both parties recognise an urgent societal need for scientific insights in the field of sustainability and the conservation, management, and development of nature.

Rudolf Agricola minor FUTURE PLANET INNOVATIONS: Half a year of exploring beyond the boundaries of your discipline.
Posted on:05 October 2023

Rudolf Agricola minor FUTURE PLANET INNOVATIONS: Half a year of exploring beyond the boundaries of your discipline.

Looking back on the European Night of Researchers 2023
Posted on:03 October 2023

Looking back on the European Night of Researchers 2023 with the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development

Rudolf Agricola interview: Van Hall Larenstein student Roos Ahlers graduates on research on the ecology of solar parks
Posted on:27 September 2023

Rudolf Agricola interview: Van Hall Larenstein student Roos Ahlers graduates on research on the ecology of solar parks

ERN 2023: Music as instrument for connection and a healthier brain
Posted on:25 September 2023

Music not only makes people happy or melancholic, it potentially also acts as a ‘cognitive vaccine’ and enhances recovery after surgery. During the Science Show of the European Researchers' Night, on September 29, researchers Marie-José van Tol and Krista de Wit will share their insights on these topics.

A ships log: Summer School 2023 Sustainable Landscapes - The Wadden Experience
Posted on:18 September 2023

A ships blog: the Sustainable Islands Summer School 2023.

Chinese delegation visits Agricola: Exciting Collaboration Opportunities Explored Between Agricola School and the city of Yancheng
Posted on:14 June 2023

Exciting Collaboration Opportunities Explored Between Agricola School and Yancheng Delegation!

Official opening Agricola School June 21: kick off event presenting Agricola's sustainability research, installation dr. Leah Henderson on KHMW-chair on societal trust, and worldfamous organist plays Agricola's music
Posted on:12 June 2023

World famous organ player Leo van Doeselaar will play Agricola's music on the Martini Church organ during opening of the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development

Report: RESPONSUS kicks off succesfully with event on the power of language
Posted on:22 May 2023

Report: RESPONSUS kicks off succesfully with event on the power of language

Prof. dr. Han Olff in 'Dagblad van het Noorden': 'Nitrogen is one of the biggest problems.'
Posted on:13 April 2023

"What stands out is that it is already very clearly stated: nitrogen is one of the biggest problems," says prof dr. Han Olff.

House of Connections Groningen: how to get there? Route to the Agricola School and parking information
Posted on:05 April 2023

The Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development has moved to the House of Connections on Grote Markt in Groningen. How to get there?

Open Competition XS grant for Benjamin Leruth
Posted on:28 March 2023

Dr Benjamin Leruth has been awarded an Open Competition XS grant for his project Exploring the Politics of Long-Termism (EXPLOT). The Dutch Research Council awards these grants of max €50.000 to researchers with a promising idea or an innovative and high-risk initiative. Dr Benjamin Leruth is assistant professor in European Politics and Society at the Faculty of Arts and theme director of the Agricola theme Democracy & Governance.

Prof. Paul Taggart discussed the strategies of political populist in power.
Posted on:09 March 2023

What exactly happens when populist politicians move into positions of power? Which strategies do they develop? Do populists in office maintain their credentials, or do they moderate and abandon their political agenda? Are they able to change the political landscape?

Agricola interview: PhD student Denise Mensonides studies how children develop digital literacy
Posted on:09 March 2023

Digital literacy is essential to being able to participate in modern society. The University of Groningen is studying the factors that stimulate or impede the development of digital literacy in a long-term research programme. Denise Mensonides MSc is one of the two researchers; her research is focused on children between the ages of eight and twelve.

Dr. Miranda Lubbers discussed the role of social networks in changing unequal power relationships in today’s society.
Posted on:07 March 2023

In her inspiring talk ‘Social networks and the resilience of marginalized communities,’ dr. Miranda Lubbers discussed the role of social networks

Welcome to our new Group: Responsibility, language and communication
Posted on:23 February 2023

The Agricola School 'Responsibility, Language, and Communication group' (Responsus) is committed to fostering sustainable futures through the study of language and communication.

‘Dyking the northern coastal area in the Middle Ages did not produce such a massive change in what farmers cultivated.’ Interview with archaeologist Dr Mans Schepers
Posted on:30 January 2023

It also demonstrated that dyking the northern coastal area in the High Middle Ages did not produce such a massive change in what farmers cultivated. You find a wide range of arable crops before and after dyking.’

Léonie de Jonge appointed member of the KNAW Young Academy
Posted on:10 January 2023

Political scientist Léonie de Jonge (1990) is an internationally renowned expert in the fields of political extremism and populism in Europe. She obtained her PhD from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) in 2019 for her research on the success and failure factors of radical right-wing populist parties.

Frans J. Sijtsma new Director Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Posted on:05 December 2022

Frans J. Sijtsma new Director Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Society PhD Grants 2022 awarded to the eight winners
Posted on:30 November 2022

Sustainable Society PhD Grants 2022 awarded to the eight winners

November 2022: Third round of Sustainable Society Small Grants of 2022 awarded
Posted on:29 November 2022

November 2022: Third round of Sustainable Society Small Grants of 2022 awarded

European grant for research on informal economies
Posted on:29 November 2022

Dr Francesco Giumelli, associate professor of International Relations and International Organizations at the Faculty of Arts, and Dr Pim Geelhoed, associate professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law, are participating in an international research project on informal economies that was recently awarded a European grant of €3.8 million. The project funds 15 PhD students, two of whom are appointed at the University of Groningen: one in the Faculty of Arts and one in the Faculty of Law.

A Small Grant well spent: dr. Caitlin Ryan reports on her work in Sierra Leone and Liberia
Posted on:28 November 2022

A Small Grant well spent: dr. Caitlin Ryan reports on her work in Sierra Leone and Liberia

First Groninger Bestuursconferentie could be the start of a tradition
Posted on:31 October 2022

First Groninger Bestuursconferentie could be the start of a tradition

Streetfront: a Groningen book about an unusual Canadian School
Posted on:31 October 2022

Streetfront: a Groningen book about an unusual Canadian School.

Eighth Masterclass about Groningen earthquakes now online
Posted on:27 September 2022

Prof Dr Michel Dückers: Masterclass Groningen Earthquakes The health impact of gas-extraction issues - What can we learn from Groningen and vice versa.

Launch of BirdEyes, an international center for research and education in the field of climate change
Posted on:01 September 2022

Small launch BirdEyes on July 13, 2022 in Leeuwarden

Podcast: interview with prof. dr. Pablo Tittonell, expert in agroecology
Posted on:14 July 2022

Dierenartsen zonder Grenzen has made an interesting podcast with Prof. D. rPablo Tittonell, one of our Sustainable Landscapes Fellows.

Zes masterclasses Groninger aardbevingen in Groningen nu voor iedereen te zien
Posted on:24 March 2022

Zes masterclasses Groninger aardbevingen in Groningen nu voor iedereen te zien

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