Official opening Agricola School June 21: kick off event presenting Agricola's sustainability research, installation dr. Leah Henderson on KHMW-chair on societal trust, and worldfamous organist plays Agricola's music

On the 21 st of June 2023 the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development will officially open at the House of Connections.
To kick-off our opening event we start with a unique Rudolf Agricola musical inspiration session. Especially for us the world famous organist Leo van Doeselaar will play the organ in the Martinikerk. We know Rudolf Agricola as a humanist scholar writing on dialectics and education. But Rudolf Agricola had more talents. Over 500 years ago, in the 1480s, he helped to design and build the Martinikerk organ. Some pipes are from even before that time and on that organ Leo van Doeselaar will play rare pieces that Agricola composed himself. A unique musical event!
Djembe player Pape Seck and presentations Rudolf Agricola susainability research groups
The well known one-of-a-kind Senegalese djembe player Pape Seck and his team will support us from Martinikerk to the House of Connections. Together with NITE (national interdisciplinary theater ensemble) and the international dans company Club Guy & Roni Pape Seck will perform in the show Islands of Empathy all over the Netherlands starting in September until January 2024.
Here we will have a very interesting and dynamic program presenting our themes and a selection of research groups. This allows us all to gain a firm understanding of our collective school: to enjoy new insights, to learn how to organize ourselves effectively and to spot cooperation options and impact pathways.

Installation dr. Leah Henderson on KHMW-chair on societal trust
We end our programme with a special celebration: together with the Rector Cisca Wijmenga we celebrate the installation of the new KHMW chair on societal trust at Agricola that is fulfilled by dr. Leah Henderson.

Last modified: | 19 June 2023 3.59 p.m. |
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