Podcast: Invasion of Ukraine and Relationschip between Geopolitics and Russian Identity

Podcast Episode 23:
Invasion of Ukraine and the Relationship between Geopolitics and Russian Identity
Tom Casier is Chair in Global Politics of Europe at the University of Groningen. Before he was Reader in International Relations at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS). He led BSIS as Academic Director from 2014 to 2017 and was Director of the Global Europe Centre. He also held a Jean Monnet Chair.
Tom Casier’s research focuses mainly on Russian foreign policy, EU–Russia relations, and the EU and its eastern neighbours. Recent articles have appeared in JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and Conflict, Geopolitics and Democratization.
An edited volume entitled EU–Russia Relations in Crisis: Understanding Diverging Perceptions (with Joan DeBardeleben, 2018) and one entitled Hegemony and world order (with Piotr Dutkiewicz and Jan Aart Scholte, 2021) were published with Routledge.
He led a Jean Monnet project on EU–Russia relations with four Jean Monnet chairs. He has also provided policy advice for different institutions and organisations, including the European Parliament, the House of Lords and the US State Department.
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Last modified: | 11 January 2024 09.29 a.m. |
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