
F. Berlinghieri (EGDB): The missing link - Exploring laterality and personality development in two fishes (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. A.G.G. Groothuis, Prof. C. Brown (Macquairie University)

M.L.M. Birker-Wegter (EGDB/BPE): Behavioural and physiological parental effects - The effects of partial incubation and yolk thyroid hormones on embryonic metabolism (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. A.G.G. Groothuis, Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. R.A. Vásquez Salfate (University of Chile)

M.J. Borger (BPE/TRÊS): How to prime your offspring - Putting behavioural ecology to the test (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. D.S. Richardson (UEA), Prof. F.J. Weissing

H.M. Bravo Gouveia (Marine Biology): On the symbiosis of species in coral reefs (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. S.E.T. van der Mei, Prof. P.J. Palsbøll

D. Brilinger (EGDB): Integrated management of Drosophila suzukii - Monitoring and management strategies (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. B. Wertheim, Prof. M.I. Boff (Universidado do Estado de Santa Catarina)

V.D.J. Castillo Chora (TRÊS): Drivers of distribution patterns of Mesoamerican tropical forest birds (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. R.S. Etienne (TRÊS); copromotor: Dr A.G. Navarro Sigüenza (UNAM)

W. de Gier (ConsEco/Naturalis): Ecomorphological aspects in the evolution of endosymbiotic crustaceans (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. B.W. Hoeksema (ConsEco/Naturalis); copromotores: Dr C.H.J.M. Fransen (Naturalis), Dr R. Vonk (Naturalis)

K. Escobedo Quevedo (EGDB): Optimizing toxic bait composition and application to control Drosophila suzukii (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. B. Wertheim; copromotor: Dr H.M. Helsen (WUR)

F.R. Garcia Furni (Marine Biology): The evolutionary history of baleen whales in the genome era (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. P.J. Palsbøll, Prof. C. Speller (University of British Columbia, Canada), Prof. E. Secchi (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil)

M.K. Korte (Conservation Ecology): The angle of repose - Facilitation and its effect on the Brachypodium distachyon grass complex (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. C. Smit, Prof. R.S. Etienne; copromotor Dr L. van de Zande

J.J. Kreider (TRÊS/EGDB/BPE): Phenotypic plasticity and social evolution (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. I.R. Pen, Prof. L.W. Beukeboom, Prof. J. Komdeur

J.W. Lambert (TRÊS): On the dynamics of biodiversity on insular systems (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. R.S. Etienne; copromotor: Dr L.M. Lima Valente (TRÊS/Naturalis)

C. Lammers (Conservation Ecology): A sandy symphony - Unraveling dune grass interactions and their role in landscape formation (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. T. van der Heide; copromotor Dr V. Reijers (RUN)

S.D. Lanooij (Neurobiology): Social factors and Alzheimer’s disease - Navigating this two-way street using mouse models (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. M.J.H. Kas, Prof. E.A. van der Zee, Prof. U.L.M. Eisel

S. LaukaitytÄ— (Marine Biology): The role of fauna in seagrass habitats (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. B.D.H.K. Eriksson, Prof. M.J. Bishop (Macquairie University)

G.H.L. Leurs (Conservation Ecology): Sharks and rays in troubled waters - Threatened species in dynamic intertidal ecosystems (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. L.L. Govers, Prof. H. Olff

X. Liu (GREEN): Microbial invasions in living soils - Mechanisms, consequences, and roles in ecosystem functions and services (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. J. Falcao Salles; copromotores: Dr S.N. Vink, Dr T. Hackl

B. Mols (Conservation Ecology): Landscapes of fear in anthropogenic environments - How landscapes of fear created by humans and wolves affect deer behavior and structure ecosystems (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. C. Smit, Prof. D.P.J. Kuijper (MRI-PAS), Prof. J.P.G.M. Cromsigt (SLU)

P. Panizzon (EGDB): Ecological consequences of laterality in sticklebacks (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. A.G.G. Groothuis, Prof. C. Brown (Macquairie University)

H-B. Peng (Conservation Ecology): Listening to the mud - Exploring shorebird conservation from on and in the mudflats (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. T. Piersma, Prof. Z. Ma (Fudan University)

G. Potkamp (EGDB): An eye for change - Evolutionary consequences of visual system plasticity (thesis)
Prof. M.E. Maan, Prof. R.S. Etienne; Copromotor: Dr L. van de Zande

I.W. Riemersma (Neurobiology): Making sense of autism - The role of synaptic dysfunction in shaping sensory trajectories (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. M.J.H. Kas, Prof. R. Havekes

P.M.M. Romeyer (EGDB): The genetic basis of photoperiodic diapause in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. L.W. Beukeboom; copromotor: Dr L. van de Zande

M.C. Roozen (Neurobiology): Human social complexity - Evolutionary and methodological considerations (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. M.J.H. Kas; copromotor: Dr J.A.S. Vorstman (UMCU)

S.M. Salazar (BPE): Individual risk and reward in the wild - A study on blue tits (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. J. Komdeur; copromotor: Dr P. Korsten (Aberystwyth University)

P.M. Santos Neves (TRÊS): Determining the drivers of diversification - Evolutionary models of island biogeography, their robustness, and the effects of data uncertainty (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. R.S. Etienne; copromotor: Dr L.M. Lima Valente (Naturalis)

J. Schotanus (Conservation Ecology/NIOZ): Restoring mussel beds on highly dynamic mudflats (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. T.J. Bouma (ConsEco/NIOZ), Prof. J. van de Koppel (ConsEco/NIOZ)

L. Seex (TRÊS): The self-organisation of lemur social systems (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. C.K. Hemelrijk, Prof. P. Kappeler (University of Goettingen); copromotor: Dr C. Fichtel (University of Goettingen)

A.F.T. Strauß (Neurobiology): Variation in avian chronotype - Causes and consequences (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. B Helm, Prof. M.E. Visser (NIOO); copromotor: Dr B. Tomotani (UiT/NIOO)

S. Tiso (TRÊS): Evolvability and organismal architecture - The blind watchmaker and the reminiscing architect (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. G.S. van Doorn

A-S. van der Kaaden (Conservation Ecology/NIOZ): Patterns in the deep sea - On the interaction between cold-water corals and their environment (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. J. van de Koppel (ConsEco/NIOZ), Prof. K. Soetaert (UU), Prof. M.G. Rietkerk (UU); copromotor: Dr D. van Oevelen (ConsEco/NIOZ)

T.J.B. van Eldijk (TRÊS): Evolvability in the context of antibiotic resistance (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. O.P. Kuipers (GBB), Prof. G.S. van Doorn

S. Xie (TRÊS): Trait-dependent diversification in island biogeography (thesis)
Promotor: Prof. R.S. Etienne; copromotor: Dr L.M. Lima Valente (TRÊS/Naturalis)

T. Xu (Marine Biology): Diversity and evolution of coral-dwelling gall crabs (Cryptochiridae: Opecarcinus) (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. S.E.T. van der Mei, Prof. B.D.H.K. Eriksson

M.K. Zhemchuzhnikov (Conservation Ecology/NIOZ): Reassessment of trophic mismatches in Arctic shorebirds (thesis)
Promotores: Prof. J.A. van Gils (ConsEco/NIOZ), Prof. T. Piersma; copromotor: Dr T. Lameris (NIOZ)
Last modified: | 16 December 2024 1.57 p.m. |