
Y. Afeworki (Ocean Ecosystems): Population ecology of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus, a dominant grazer on a seasonal coral reef (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.J. Videler, Prof. J.H. Bruggemann

W. Beerling (Behavioural Physiology): Interpreting the consequences of acute sleep deprivation - Stress physiology as mediator (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.M. Koolhaas; copromotores Dr W.H.I.M. Drinkenburg, Dr P. Meerlo

J. Boonekamp (Behavioural Biology): Telomeres and life histories - All’s well that ends well? (thesis)
Promotor Prof. S. Verhulst

C. Burger (Animal Ecology): Local adaptation or dispersal? - How pied flycatchers cope with climate change (thesis)
Promotores Prof. C. Both, Prof. J.M. Tinbergen

F. Calcagnoli (Behavioural Physiology): Oxytocin: the neurochemical mediator of social life - A pharmaco-behavioral and neurobiological study in male rats (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.M. Koolhaas; copromotores Dr S.F. de Boer, Dr M. Althaus

N. Dobos (Molecular Neurobiology, UMCG): Neuroinflammation in depression (thesis)
Promotores Prof. P.G.M. Luiten, Prof. U.L.M. Eisel, Prof. J.A. den Boer; copromotor Dr E.F.J. de Vries

S. Duijns (Animal Ecology): Sex-specific foraging - The distributional ecology of a polychaete-eating shorebird (thesis)
Promotor Prof. T. Piersma; copromotor Dr J. van Gils (NIOZ)

C.M. Gosling (COCON): Biotic determinants of heterogeneity in a South African savanna (thesis)
Promotor Prof. H. Olff; copromotor Dr J. Cromsigt

W. Ma (Evolutionary Genetics): Evolutionary genetics of Wolbachia-induced parthenogenesis in the parasitoid Asobara japonica - Sex determination and sexual decay (thesis)
Promotor Prof. L.W. Beukeboom; copromotores Dr B.A. Pannebakker, Dr L. van de Zande

F.S. Mandema (COCON): Grazing as a nature management tool - An experimental study of the effects of different livestock species and stocking densities on salt-marsh birds (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.P. Bakker, Prof. J.M. Tinbergen; copromotor Dr B.J. Ens

L.S. Molleman (Theoretical Biology): Social learning and human cooperation (thesis)
Promotor Prof. F.J. Weissing

I.A. Neven (Plant Ecophysiology): Carbon costs and compromises - Inorganic carbon uptake of Southern Ocean phytoplankton in a high CO2 world (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga; copromotor: Dr J. Stefels

S. Nolte (COCON): Grazing as a nature-management tool - The effect of different livestock species and stocking densities on salt-marsh vegetation and accretion (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.P. Bakker

S. Paolucci (Evolutionary Genetics): The genetics of adaptive photoperiodic response in Nasonia vitripennis (thesis)
Promotor Prof. L.W. Beukeboom; copromotor Dr L. van de Zande

P.E. Puentes Téllez (Microbial Ecology): Adaptation and diversification of Escherichia coli K12 MC1000 in a complex environment (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.D. van Elsas

I. Puga-Gonzalez (Theoretical Biology, BESO): Social organization through self-organization - Model and empirical data of macaques (thesis)
Promotor Prof. C.K. Hemelrijk

J.L. Ruifrok (COCON): Herbivore-mediated structural diversity of vegetation (thesis)
Promotor Prof. H. Olff; copromotor Dr C. Smit

D.R. Ruthrauff (Animal Ecology): On the frozen edge - Environmental and physiological constraints in the life history of a northerly-wintering shorebird (thesis)
Promotor Prof. T. Piersma

L. Salazar Jaramillo (Evolutionary Genetics): Evolutionary genomics of the immune response against parasitoids in Drosophila (thesis)
Promotores Prof. B. Wertheim, Prof. L.W. Beukeboom; copromotor Dr L. van de Zande

E.M. van der Zee (Animal Ecology): Soft-bottom intertidal ecosystems shaped by ecosystem engineers – Consequences for trophic structure (thesis)
Promotor Prof. T. Piersma; copromotores Dr H.W. van der Veer, Dr T. van der Heide

R. van Klink (COCON): Of dwarves and giants - How large herbivores shape arthropod communities (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.P. Bakker, Prof. M.F. Wallis de Vries (Wageningen University)
Last modified: | 16 December 2024 2.00 p.m. |