
A.C. Alderkamp (Ocean Ecosystems): Carbohydrate production by phytoplankton and degradation in the marine microbial foodweb (thesis)
Promotores Prof. W.J. Wolff, Prof. G.J. Herndl, Prof. W.W.C. Gieskes

A.H. Ambrosio de Castro (Plant Ecophysiology): Atmospheric NH3 deposition, S and N metabolism in curly kale (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga; copromotores Dr G. Stulen, Dr L.J. de Kok

E.R. Chang (COCON): The role of dispersal constraints in the assembly of salt-marsh communities (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.P. Bakker, Prof. R.L. Jefferies (University of Toronto)

M.S.C.O.M. Chevolot (MarBEE): Assessing genetic structure of thornback ray, Raja clavata - A thorny situation? (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.L. Olsen, Prof. W.T. Stam, Prof. A.D. Rijnsdorp

J.P.G.M. Cromsigt (COCON): Large herbivores in space - Resource partitioning among savanna grazers in a heterogeneous environment (thesis)
Promotores Prof. H. Olff, Prof. H.H.T. Prins (Wageningen University)

B. Ćurčić-Blake (Neurobiophysics): Spatial and temporal characteristics of the fish lateral line detection (thesis)
Promotor Prof. D.G. Stavenga; copromotor Dr S.M. van Netten

M.K. de Boer (MarBEE): Maze of toxicity - Fibrocapsa japoinica (Raphidophyceae) in Dutch coastal waters (thesis)
Promotores Prof. W.J. Wolff, Prof. W.W.C. Gieskes

M.E. de Heij (Animal Ecology): Costs of avian incubation - How fitness, energetics and behaviour impinge on the evolution of clutch size (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.M. Tinbergen, Prof. R.H. Drent

F. de Jong (MarBEE): Marine eutrophication in perspective - On the relevance of ecology for environmental policy (thesis)
Promotores Prof. W.J. Wolff, Prof. F. Colijn (FTZ University Kiel); copromotor Dr H.J. van der Windt

P.D. Dijkstra (Behavioural Biology): Know thine enemy - Intra-sexual selection and sympatric speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish (thesis)
Promotores Prof. S. Daan, Prof. T.G.G. Groothuis

N. Hagenah (Wageningen University): Among rodents and rhinos - Interplay between small mammals and large herbivores in a South African savanna (thesis)
Promotores Prof. H.H.T. Prins (Wageningen University), Prof. H. Olff

S. Hazelaar (Ocean Ecosystems): Nanoscale architecture - The role of proteins in diatom silicon biomineralization (thesis)
Promotores Prof. W.W.C. Gieskes, Prof. H.J.W. de Baar

R.H.G. Klaassen (Animal Ecology): Foraging in a spatially patterned world - Migratory swans (Cygnus columbianus) seeking buried pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) tubers (thesis)
Promotores Prof. R.H. Drent; copromotor Dr B.A. Nolet (NIOO)

P. Korsten (Animal Ecology): Avian sex allocation and ornamental coloration – A study in blue tits (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. R.H. Drent, Prof. S. Daan

M.P. McDonnell–Alexander (COCON): Spatial nutrient heterogeneity and plant species coexistence (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J. van Andel, Prof. J.P. Grime (University of Sheffield)

T. Reinthaler (Ocean Ecosystems): Prokaryotic respiration and production in the open ocean (thesis)
Promotores Prof. G.J. Herndl, Prof. J.J. Middelburg, Prof. K. Soetaert

E.W.M. Stienen (Animal Ecology): Living with gulls - Trading off food and predation in the sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis (thesis)
Promotor Prof. R.H. Drent

K.M.C. Tjørve (Behavioural Biology): From an egg to a fledgling - A perspective on shorebird breeding ecology and chick energetics (thesis)
Promotores Prof. G.H. Visser, Prof. L.G. Underhill

S. Tomašković (Biomedical Engineering): Auditory processing and audiovisual integration revealed by combining psychophysical and fMRI experiments (thesis)
Promotor Prof. H. Duifhuis

W.K. Vahl (Theoretical Biology, Animal Ecology): Interference competition among foraging waders (thesis)
Promotores Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. T. Piersma

G.P. van den Berg (Biomedical Engineering): The sound of high winds - The effect of atmospheric stability on wind turbine sound and microphone noise (thesis)
Promotores Prof. H. Duifhuis, Prof. A.J.M. Schoot Uiterkamp

M. van de Pol (Animal Ecology, Theoretical Biology): State-dependent life-history strategies - A long-term study on oystercatchers (thesis)
Promotores Prof. R.H. Drent, Prof. J.M. Tinbergen, Prof. F.J. Weissing; copromotor Dr S.Verhulst

K. van der Borght (Molecular Neurobiology): New neurons in the adult brain - A study on the regulation and function of neurogenesis in the adult rodent hippocampus (thesis)
Promotor Prof. P.G.M. Luiten; copromotores Dr E.A. van der Zee, Dr B.J.L. Eggen

A.J. van der Graaf (Animal Ecology, COCON): Geese on a green wave - Flexible migrants in a changing world (thesis)
Promotores Prof. R.H. Drent, Prof. J.P. Bakker; copromotor Dr J. Stahl (University of Oldenburg)

J. van Oevelen (MarBEE): The structure of marine benthic foodwebs - Combining stable isotope techniques and inverse modeling (thesis)
Promotor Prof. C.H.R. Heip

H.E. Wolters (COCON, MarBEE): Restoration of salt marshes (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.P. Bakker, Prof. W.J. Wolff
Last modified: | 16 December 2024 2.02 p.m. |