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Research GELIFES

Weekly Schedule

Week 10 (3 - 7 February)

Weekly schedule by email: Every Friday afternoon the weekly schedule for the coming week is distributed by email. If you also want to receive our weekly schedules, please send an email to your expertise group secretary or to weeklyschedule and you will be added to the mailing list.

Announcements for the weekly schedule: If you have anything to announce that is of interest to all institute members, including literature / book discussions, please send an email to weeklyschedule before 12:00 hr on Thursday.

Monday 3


09:30 OBP Weekly meeting 5171.0340
12:00 Marine Biology
Inge van Agteren: Biodiveristy assesment in restored seagrass meadows of the Dutch Wadden Sea (MSc project presentation)

Tuesday 4


12:15 ConsEco Lunch meeting
  • Noor Hoogerduijn Strating: The effect of legume crops on the foraging and provisioning behaviour of the skylark (Alauda arvensis) and the yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)
  • Sander de Hoop: Wild bee conservation in urban environments
5172.0571 & online
13:30 EGDB Meeting
  • Wessel Warnders: Host preference in two filth fly parasitoids (MSC project intro)
  • Storm Smit: Reconstructing the anatomy of a selective sweep in the threespine stickleback (MSC project intro)
5171.0415 & online
15:00 BPE Seminar
Kangqing: Seasonal variation in the gut microbiota of feral pigeons
5172.0571 & online

Wednesday 5


11:30 TRÊS Meeting
Koen Reinders: Tba
5172.0571 & online
12:00 GREEN - Plant Biology
  • Tom Veldhuis: Fool me twice - Mimicry of local foodplants to enhance sexual deception in Ophrys orchids (PhD project update)
  • Artemis Hoogsteen: Homing behaviour and visual cues in slugs (MSc project intro)
12:00 NeuBio – Molecular/Behavioural Neuroscience Lab meeting
  • Maria Zernova: Role of ovarian hormone loss in post-menopausal neuroinflammation (MSc project intro)
  • Teije Bonsema: Tba (MSc project intro)

Thursday 6


No announcements

Friday 7


10:00-12:00 Mini symposium BPE - The evolutionary and ecological drivers of senescence
5172.0571 & online
Last modified:28 February 2025 4.05 p.m.