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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.P.M. (Evelien) Croonen


A multidimensional model for the professionalization of independent franchisee associations

Crossing the border of normality: How and why supervisory control actions engender distrust and loss of control effectiveness

From values to ventures: how value priorities influence entrepreneurial well-being

Trust and Control in Franchise Networks: A Dyadic, Multi-Referent Analysis on Franchisee Network Exit Intentions

Going the extra mile: Unveiling the roots of franchisee organisational citizenship behaviours in franchise systems

Artikel 921 van de Wet Franchise: een methode voor het vaststellen van drempelwaarden

Entrepreneurs’ Eudaimonic Well-being: Multiple Roads Lead to Rome

Who wants to be a franchisee? Explaining individual intentions to become franchisees

The Effectiveness of 'Picking the Winners' in Publicly Funded Consortia

Entrepreneurship and Well-Being: Accounting for the Heterogeneity of Entrepreneurs