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Research Young Academy Groningen Members Current members Cohort 2021

D.K. (David) Cheruiyot, PhD

David Cheruiyot is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies (CMJS). He is currently a member of the project, “Who’s Breaking the News? Global Conflict Reporting in the Digital Age” which maps and assesses a variety of peripheral actors in the area of global conflict reporting, that is steered by Dr Ansgard Heinrich, Associate Professor at CMJS. David completed his PhD at the Ander Centre for Research on News and Opinion in the Digital Era (NODE) in Karlstad University, Sweden. His PhD dissertation, titled, “Criticising Journalism: Popular Media Criticism in the Digital Age”, examined criticisms of the mainstream media in digital spaces and their implications to journalistic practice. His research interests in general revolve around the intervention of non-journalistic actors in news production/practice. He has a specific interest in critics of legacy media as well as peripheral actors in journalism, especially non-profits and civic tech organisations. David's research has appeared on Digital Journalism, Journalism Practice, the International Journal of Communication, Media, Culture and Society, and address the following areas: popular/digital media criticism, data journalism, fact-checking, media representation, among others. David has won several top paper awards, including the Stuart Hall Prize (IAMCR 2018).

Last modified:29 October 2023 3.58 p.m.