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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLM programmes 2025-2026 European Law in a Global Context

Programme requirements and structure

The European Law in a Global Context LLM is a one year long, full-time programme. The language of instruction and examination in the programme is English.

Programme requirements
In order to obtain an LLM degree in this programme a candidate must successfully complete a total of 60 ECTS*:
a.   Six compulsory courses**:

  • EU Institutional and Constitutional Law (6 ECTS)
  • European Internal Market Law (6 ECTS)
  • EU External Relations Law (6 ECTS)
  • Competition Law and Market Regulation (6 ECTS)
  • European Environmental Law in a Global Context (6 ECTS)
  • European Human Rights Law (6 ECTS)

b. Seminar Interactions between Legal Systems: Global, European, Domestic (6 ECTS)
c. Law in Practice (6 ECTS)
d. Master’s thesis (12 ECTS)

* Students who have not taken European Law (or an equivalent) in their Bachelor have to take this course as an extra course. The course will not be part of the required 60 ECTS.
** Students who already took one of the compulsory courses in their Bachelor can apply for an exemption for such a course through the Board of Examiners. An extra course(s) should be chosen to replace the exempted course(s).

Programme structure
All programmes consist of six courses (minimum), a seminar, a law in practice module, and the writing of a thesis. The academic year in Groningen runs from the first week of September to the end of August and is divided into two semesters of two blocks each. Each lecture block is followed by periods of examinations.

If you'd like to know more about the European Law in a Global Context LLM programme, you are welcome to join one of our Masters Week presentations for the programme. You can also watch a recording of our most recent (online) masters week presentation here.

Do you have a question about an LLM programme? Contact the Faculty of Law directly through our
information request form .

The Faculty reserves the right to cancel or alter courses when necessary. Applicants receive due notice of any changes in the curriculum. These webpages will always hold the most recent information about the programmes.

Last modified:05 July 2024 4.29 p.m.