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Human Rights Seminar 1: Governing 'Access for All'

When:Th 12-12-2013 13:00 - 18:00
Where:Room A3, Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, University of Groningen

This seminar is part of the seminar series Human Rights in Essential Public Service Provision, presented by the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance and the Groningen International School of Law.

This Seminar will introduce and explore the overall topic of our Seminar Series in more detail, introducing the concept of 'public essential service provision', as well as the human rights standards that might have a bearing on the delivery of such services.

A particular focus will be placed on health, water and energy, and the purpose is to explore the importance of international human rights standards mostly as they relate to 'non-discriminatory' treatment in access, and questions of the 'availability', 'accessibility', 'acceptability' and 'quality' ('AAAQ') of services.

The Seminar will also introduce the 'law and governance' lens which is intended to consider the conceptual merits of a 'law and governance' approach in taking on board the role of private actors and private relationships in contributing to public interests, as well as the hard and soft governance mechanisms that are available in furthering essential service provisions on the basis of human rights.

Full programme of the Seminar on Governing 'Access for All'.

NEW!: Summary of individual presentations.

Keynote speakers:

Professor Tony Prosser (University of Bristol) on 'Protecting Social Rights and Access to Essential Public Services in an Age of Austerity'

In-house contributions:

Monika Ambrus (non-discrimination & water), Antenor Hallo de Wolf (universal service obligations and human rights), Marlies Hesselman (access to modern energy and human rights), and Brigit Toebes ('AAAQ' and the right to health)

Relevant research programme:

Public Interests and Private relationships

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