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Human Rights Seminar 3: 'Participation'

When:Th 20-03-2014 12:30 - 17:30
Where:Courtroom (Zittingzaal), Oude Boteringestraat 38, Groningen

This seminar is part of the seminar series Human Rights in Essential Public Service Provision, presented by the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance and the Groningen International School of Law.

The notion of 'participation' is a key concept in human rights based approaches, and also a central concept of 'good governance'. This seminar will appraise the concept of 'participation' in human rights law, with specific emphasis on human rights based participation in the health sector.

Attention will be paid to different forms of participation, and the difference between formal and informal participatory mechanisms. It will also reflect on the synergies between 'participation' and 'accountability' as two concepts that both inform the manner in which human rights law can be involved in governing public essential service provision. This meeting will be interdisciplinary in character, bringing in experts and practitioners with backgrounds in both law and public health.

This particular seminar session is organized in collaboration with the Groningen Centre for Law & Governance - (Research Programme: Public Trust and Public Law), the Centre for International Relations Research (CIRR), the Instituut voor Sociale Weerbaarheid (ISW) - Integration and Social Efficacy and the RUG research focal point 'Sustainable Society'.

Full programme of the Seminar on Participation.

Keynote speakers:

Laurien Koster (President of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, with a brief introduction by Dr. Ron Holzhacker, University of Groningen), Dr. Maria Stuttaford (Warwick/Cape Town), and Professor Titti Mattsson (Lund Univeristy)

In-house speaker:

Brigit Toebes

Relevant research programme:

Public Trust and Public Law

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