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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
Samen voor een groenere en eerlijker energietransitie
Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate Onderwijs

Summer- en Winterschools

Energy Challenges - an interdisciplinary approach: Hydrogen economy as socio-technical challenge

25-29 August 2025, Groningen, Netherlands

With the pressing impact of emissions contributing to the warming of our planet, there's an urgent call to transition from fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal) to cleaner, renewable energy sources. Despite this awareness, the pace of this energy transition is not as rapid as needed. What are the challenges?

This summer school delves into the future of a hydrogen economy and the social-technical challenges involved. We will explore the delays in implementing the necessary changes in the energy transition from an interdisciplinary perspective. Tailored towards for master students, researchers and professionals within the field, the summer school offers a first-hand exploration into the complexities of energy transition. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to engage with real-time energy challenges.

Application deadline: 30 April 2025

Zie ook de webpagina Summer schools by discipline: Energy, Sciences and Spatial Sciences

Laatst gewijzigd:24 februari 2025 10:01
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