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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
Together for a greener and fairer energy transition and climate policy
Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate Calendar

Summerschool: Public Participation in Sustainable Transitions - Energy island Ameland

From:Mo 27-05-2024
Until:Fr 31-05-2024
Where:Groningen, the Netherlands + one day excursion to Ameland

Current environmental crises such as climate change, the loss of biodiversity in sensitive habitats, and the reduction of natural resources ask for new approaches to the energy transition.

These challenges have technical, environmental and social components, and therefore the energy transition requires interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration across disciplines.

Therefore, the summer school adopts an interdisciplinary approach and challenges the participants to think beyond their own perspectives and fields to explore different aspects regarding community engagement, public participation, and citizen empowerment in relation to the solutions for the energy transition on Ameland Island from the Wadden Sea.

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