Outreach and Fun Stuff
Guided tours of the department are offered to those interested in learning more about our work. (Click on language flag in top right of webpage)
Outreach in 2016
See a list of articles, interviews and activities here (no longer available)
It Is What It Is" A personal comment on genetic counselling. Oosterwijk JC. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(11):1278-80

Music in several forms
The department's band - the Genehoppers - plays music to dance to, at a professional level, at all types of events
A smaller jazz group - the Combo or 'GeneXpress' - plays relaxing, background music, and
The department choir sings at special events
There may be some confusion on who is making what kind of music, and with whom, and how our bands are named. So just to make things clear, here is a bit of explanation from Jan C Oosterwijk.
-Rolf is often to be found drumming in his basement, when he does so, his one-man band is called: 'the Noisy Neighbour'. Especially by his neighbours. 'Noisy Neighbour' has no website, yet.
-Ever since a smashing party in the Monkeydance club in 1997, our department has had a pop band called 'the Genehoppers'. They started performing in the department, but have also toured in Utrecht, Leiden and Zuidlaarderveen (all in the Netherlands). You can't miss the Hoppers, they're a lot of musicians and a lot of decibels.
-A jazzy combo that was formed several years ago, was resuscitated in 2014, and is now called 'GeneXpress'. They are 84% genetics and 100% UMCG. GeneXpress has given several performences to date, one of which was at the department's New Year party in January 2015. If you look closely at their website photos, you'll see that several Hoppers are also playing in GeneXpress, but just to confuse you, most of them play different instruments then.
-Last but not least, the department has a 'Genetichoir' conducted by Maran. This is of variable composition and becomes active for special occasions. They do close harmony singing, not websites. (See photo of newspaper article below)

Outreach in English
"It Is What It Is" A personal comment on genetic counselling. Oosterwijk JC. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(11):1278-80
Night of Arts and Science, Groningen, 4 June 2016: Gerdien Bosman en Yvonne Hoedemaekers represented the department (cardiogenetics section, in particular) at the Night of Arts and Science at the Academiegebouw. This year the subject is the heart. We will show a continous presentation with cardio/genetic/cardiogenetic art in the broadest sense of the word and play "heart-related" pop songs.
Interview met Cisca Wijmenga on Youtube, in Dutch with English subtitles (3:35 mins), 12 June 2015. See more items on her webpage
Regulate gene editing in wild animals - The use of genome-modification tools in wild species must be properly governed to avoid irreversible damage to ecosystems, says Dr.Jeantine Lunshof, Nature, vol 521, p 127, 14 May 2015
Screening an asymptomatic person for genetic risk. Discussion by Prof. Irene van Langen, Prof. Conny van Ravenswaaij and others, in New England Journal of Medicine, June 2014. See also Preconception screening
Outreach in Dutch
See a list of articles, interviews and activities in 2016 (no longer available)
Night of Arts and Science, Groningen, 4 June 2016: Gerdien Bosman en Yvonne Hoedemaekers zullen de (cardio)genetica vertegenwoordigen tijdens de Nacht van de Kunst en Wetenschap, die dit jaar in teken van het hart staat. Er zal een doorlopende PowerPoint getoond worden met cardio/genetische/cardiogenetische kunst in de breedste zin van het woord, onder muzikale ondersteuning van "hart-gerelateerde" popmuziek.
Interview met Cisca Wijmenga in Medisch Contact over haar Spinoza premie, door Lieke de Kwant, 25 June 2015 (in Dutch)
Public lecture by Prof. Cisca Wijmenga - DNA en de rol van genetica Kenniscafe Groningen, 20 January 2015 (75 mins film in Dutch)
Public lecture by Prof. Cisca Wijmenga - Genetica: feiten en fabels One of the “Top of the Profs” lectures in celebration of the University of Groningen's 400-year jubilee celebration, May 2014 (50 mins film in Dutch)
Test wijst aanstaande ouders op ernstige ziekte bij baby Artikel in het AD van 14 oktober 2014 (in Dutch)
Artikel over PCS en genetische screening in Margriet 37(14) 2014 (in Dutch)
Cahier 'Genen en gezondheid' Wat er valt te lezen in je DNA, Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij, Den Haag. Prof. Irene van Langen is een co-auteur (in Dutch)
DNA event on the Vismarkt for the University of Groningen's 400-year jubilee celebrations, May 2014 (also in Dutch)
Nieuwe preconceptie test & een publiek debat in Groninger Forum, 31 March 2014 (in Dutch)
NTR Radio interview on Genomic Medicine, Prof. Rolf Sijmons, 8 January 2014 (in Dutch, first item, time slot 3.00-08.50 mins)
Genetics exhibitions at Noorderzon, the performing arts festival in Groningen, 2010-2012 (in Dutch)
DNA boekje, 2010 met Wist je dat-jes en leuke DNA feiten. "Dit boekje is een initiatief van de afdeling Genetica van het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen. ... We geven in dit boekje achtergrondinformatie over onderwerpen als “cellen”, “chromosomen”, “DNA”, “invloeden van DNA veranderingen op gezondheid en ziekte”, “invloeden van leefstijl” en het onderzoek dat hiernaar op de afdeling Genetica gedaan wordt."
Academische Jaarprijs project in 2010: GENen kraken in GroningGEN: een ontdekkingstocht met de LifeLinesExpress (in Dutch). Our team gained second place in the competiton finals!

Last modified: | 22 May 2024 1.31 p.m. |