
Cisca Wijmenga, PhD

Study: Biology at the University of Groningen
PhD thesis: Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: from genetic mapping towards gene cloning, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 1993 (cum laude)
Inaugural lectures
Wat is de waarde van ons DNA? (in Dutch), 12 December 2008, University of Groningen
Ziekte en gezondheid: Verborgen verschillen Genomics slaat een brug tussen disciplines (in Dutch), 17 September 2004, Utrecht University
Member of
Awards and Honors
2022 Galjaard lifetime achievement award
2014–2021 Web of Science highly cited researcher (top 1%)
2019 European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Prijs
2018 United European Gastroenterology Research Prijs
2018 Benoemd tot Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw
2015 Spinoza Prize
Public lectures (videos)
Thúsakademy met Cisca Wijmenga over chronische en ouderdomsziekten. Zie video.
Glutenintolerantie Medische Publieksacademie, initiatief van UMCG en Dagblad van het Noorden, publiek lezing van Prof. dr. Cisca Wijmenga, Drs. Gieneke Gonera, Gineke Venema en Jannie IJbema (71 mins), 19 maart 2019
DNA en de rol van genetica Kenniscafe Groningen (75 mins), 20 jan 2015
Genetica: feiten en fabels (50 mins) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 400 jaar jubileum, “Top of the Profs” reeks publiekslezingen, 19 mei 2014
Full CV Link
2021 - Uitzending over chronische en ouderdomsziekten voor Omrop Fryslân.
2021 - Profiel al een van de ‘twaalf eerste vrouwen’ in het boek Baanbreeksters van Marian Joëls.
2021 - Profiel over haar rol in de Lifelines-corona project. Zie profiel.
2019 - Wordt rector magnificus of the University of Groningen.
2019 - Winnar European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) award. Zie interview.
2018 - Winnar United European Gastroenterology Research Prijs. Zie aankondiging, artikel en video interview.
2018 - Benoemd tot Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw.
2018 - Geïnterviewd voor het programma RADAR op Radio 1 (6 mins) over glutenarm/glutenvrije pizzas.
2017 - Interview in Cell about the future of Human Genetics pdf
2017 - Televisie interview met Cisca over haar onderzoek en hoe het is om Spinozapremiwinnar te zijn.
2017 - Benoemd to lid van de Fryske Akademy. Zie artikel.
2017 - Op zoek naar de heilige graal. Obesitas, diabetes, prikkelbaredarmsyndroom, autisme of depressie. Steeds meer ziektes blijken samen te gaan met een afwijkend darmmicrobioom. Maar wat is eigenlijk een gezond of normaal microbioom? Artikel over microbioom in Chemisch2Weekblad Life Sciences pdf
2016 - Professor Wijmenga treedt af als hoofd afdeling
2016 - Lid van KHMW, het oudste 'Geleerde Genootschap' in Nederland, opgericht in 1752
News items 2014-2015 (including ones on the Spinoza prize)
Email: C.Wijmenga umcg.nl
Publications: see GoogleScholar; PubMed
Complex genetics, systems genetics, bioinformatics, genetic association, pathway analyses, genomics, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, intestinal inflammatory diseases, organs-on-chip, gut-on-chip
My inspiration
I am fascinated by DNA and the wealth of information that is hidden in our genetic material. I want to learn why a genetic predisposition leads to disease in some individuals but not in others. If we gain insight into this process we may be able to find leads for developing instruments to treat patients and to prevent disease.
I also enjoy working with students and young scientists, and encouraging them to grow into skilful and competent researchers in an international environment. See comments from participants in my student mentor group.
My work
My research is aimed at unraveling the causal genetic factors behind some hereditary diseases. How does variation in hereditary material lead to disease and how can we use such knowledge to prevent or treat diseases? My PhD research focused on a relatively simple genetic disorder that is inherited according to Mendelian laws. In 1995, I was one of the first to take up the challenge of searching for the genetic factors that determine more complex disorders. My group adopted a hypothesis-generating, genome-wide approach, and was able to make great progress on elucidating the genetic factors for celiac disease, intracranial aneurysms, type 2 diabetes and celiac disease. We are now working on systems genetics approaches towards understanding complex diseases and innovative organ-on-chip models for functional testing under specific genetic and tissue backgrounds. See also Systems Genetics, Genetics of complex immune-related diseases, Gut on Chip
I am a co-PI in the Netherlands Organ-on-a-Chip Intiative (NOCI), member of the the Celiac Disease Consortium (CDC) and am active in two EU projects the COPACTIC study (on COPD) and PreventCD (on celiac disease). I led the Genome of the Netherlands project (GoNL).
Top recent papers
ISI peer-reviewed publications (per 30 Nov 2022) : 691 articles, letters and reviews; total citations >66,000; h-index = 123.
Google Scholar statistics (per 30 Nov 2022): >780 publications; total citations 109,049; h-index = 159.
See all my publications in GoogleScholar or in PubMed

List of all PhD graduates
Supervisor (promotor) of 53 PhD students who have completed their thesis
9 have graduated cum laude; * indicates medical doctors (MD); # indicates those who have become a professor. Their research funding is given in brackets, where applicable.
Dylan de Vries, promotion December 2022
- Aadrian van der Graaf, January 19, 2022: Observational causality from –omics
- Niek de Klein, September 13, 2021: Genetic regulation of gene expression in brain and blood
- Annique Claringbould, December 2, 2020: Core gene identification using gene expression
- Maria Zorro Manrique, April 22, 2020: Celiac disease: from genetic variation to molecular culprits
- * Suzanne van Sommeren, November 25, 2019: Genetic susceptibility for inflammatory bowel disease across ethnicities and diseases
- Kieu Thi Thien Le, October 16, 2019: Functional genomics approach to understanding sepsis heterogeneity
- Raúl Aguirre-Gamboa, October 14, 2019: Integrative omics to understand human immune variation (Conacyte fellowship)
- Isis Ricaño Ponce, June 3, 2019: Towards finding and understanding the missing heritability of immune-mediated diseases
- * Floris Imhann, May 15, 2019: The gut microbiome in intestinal diseases. Graduated cum laude.
- Patrick Deelen, May 6, 2019: Multi-omics strategies for detecting gene-environment interactions
- Vicky Matzaraki, March 6, 2019: A systems genomics approach to identify risk loci and pathways to Candida infection
- * Marijn Visschendijk, September 5, 2018: Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New genes, rare variants & moving towards clinical practice
- Alex Kanterakis, July 11, 2018: Integration techniques for modern bioinformatics workflows
- Juha Karjalainen, January 15, 2018: Gene expression studies. From basic research to the clinic.
- Marc Jan Bonder, March 22, 2017: The interplay between genetics, the microbiome, DNA-methylation & gene expression. Graduated cum laude
- Ettje Tigchelaar-Feenstra, December 14, 2016: From bugs to buttermilk: Epidemiological and molecular aspects of gut health (TiFN grant)
- Daria Zhernakova, September 12, 2016: Multi-omics approaches for better understanding of the downstream effects of genetic risk factors
- Serena Sanna, May 9, 2016: Enhancing genetic discoveries with population-specific reference panels
- * Javier Gutierrez-Achury, MD, December 2, 2015: HLA and other tales: The different perspectives of Celiac Disease (graduate school GSMS/ERC)
- Barbara Hrdličková, May 11, 2015: Finding the missing 'LiNCs' in celiac disease (NWO VICI grant)
- Rodrigo Almeida, March 25, 2015: Beyond genome wide association studies in celiac disease by exploring the non-coding genome (fellowship CAPES Foundation, an agency in the Ministry of Education, Brazil)
- Michael Erdos, March 18, 2015: Genetic etiology of type 2 diabetes
- * Guido Dolmans, MD, November 24, 2014: Genetic origin of Dupuytren’s disease and associated fibromatosis
- Harm-Jan Westra, September 17, 2014: Interpreting disease genetics using functional genomics. Graduated cum laude
- * Karin Fransen, MD, June 16, 2014: Inflammatory bowel disease: the genetic background and beyond
- * Rian Nijmeijer, MD, April 10, 2014: Genetic aspects of acute pancreatitis
- * Naishi Li, MD, December 11, 2013: Novel mechanisms for prevention and treatment of type 2 Diabetes
- Joanna Smolonska, October 9, 2013: The many faces of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (EU grant)
- *, # Ezra Burstein, MD, May 23, 2013: COMMD1: a modulator of immunity and NFkB activity
- Marcel Wolffs, October 31, 2012: Transcriptome analysis to investigate the link between obesity and its metabolic complications: type 2 diabetes and NASH (DFN grant)
- Agata Szperl, September 12, 2012: Mapping complex and monogenetic disorders: methods and applications (NWO VICI grant)
- * Maciej Geremek, MD, June 13, 2012: The classical genetic and genomic approach to the pathogenesis of primary ciliary dyskinesia (grant between UMC Utrecht and Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Gosia Trynka, December 14, 2011: Unlocking the genetics of coeliac disease (NWO VICI grant) Graduated cum laude
- Jihane Romanos, December 12, 2011: Genetics of celiac disease and its diagnostic values (EU grant)
- * Albertien van Eerde, June 8, 2011: Genetics of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.
- * Eleanora Festen, MD, April 6, 2011: Shared genetic background of inflammatory diseases of the bowel (NWO-AGIKO grant). Graduated cum laude
- Willianne Vonk, 17 March 2011: Understanding COMMD1 function: Novel perspectives from in vitro and in vivo studies (NWO-TOP grant).
- Florianne Bauer, December 16, 2010: Genes and diet in obesity related type 2 diabetes (IOP genomics grant)
- *,# Ramnik Xavier, MD (Harvard Medical School, Boston), October 11, 2010: Genes and pathways in Crohn’s disease
- Clara Elbers, October 6, 2010: On the origin of type 2 diabetes and obesity (IOP genomics grant)
- Jana van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, July 7, 2010: Revealing the genetic roots of obesity and type 2 diabetes (IOP genomics grant)
- *,# Alexandra Zhernakova MD, 3 December 2009. The autoimmune puzzle - shared and specific genetics of immune-related diseases (BSIK grant) Graduated cum laude
- * Victorien Wolters MD, 3 November 2009. Diagnostics and genetics of coeliac disease
- * Erik Knauff MD, 22 April 2009. Premature ovarian failure from phenotype to genotype
- # Lude Franke, 27 May 2008. Genome-wide approaches towards identification of susceptibility genes in complex disorders (BSIK grant). Graduated cum laude
- Patricia Muller, 25 March 2008. Transcriptomics as a tool to dissect copper homeostasis and COMMD protein function (NWO TOP grant)
- *,# Rinse Weersma MD, 17 October 2007. Genetic susceptibility for inflammatory bowel disease
- Prim de Bie, 4 October 2007. Novel insights in the molecular pathogenesis of human copper homeostasis disorders through studies of protein-protein interactions (NWO TOP grant)
- Alienke Monsuur, 3 July 2007. Unraveling the molecular genetic aspects of intestinal inflammatory disorders (NWO TOP grant)
- Martin Wapenaar, 28 November 2006. Genomics of coeliac disease - Molecular signatures of the pathogenesis (MLDS and BSIK grant)
- * Ynte Ruigrok MD, 16 June 2006. From intracranial aneurysm to subarachnoid hemorrhage: unraveling the genetics (ZonMW AGIKO grant). Graduated cum laude
- * Begona Diosdado MD, 21 March 2006. The puzzle of coeliac disease: pieces of the molecular pathogenesis (NWO research support grant)
- Harm van Bakel, 8 November 2005. Genome-wide analyses of copper metabolism and its regulation across species (NWO research support grant)
- Martine van Belzen, 16 December 2003. Coeliac disease: Investigation of the genetic factors underlying coeliac disease (MLDS grant)
Co-supervisor of:
- Jonathan van Tilburg, 10 December 2002. The Breda study: Search for genetic factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus in a defined Dutch population (DFN grant)
- # Bart van de Sluis, 19 November 2002. Identification of a copper toxicosis gene in Bedlington terriers (NWO research support grant). Graduated cum laude
About Cisca Wijmenga
More on my work, international activities, and work visits
Grants obtained
I have been awarded a total of well over €30 million for her research work on celiac disease, autoimmune and other related complex disorders, and for setting up new technologies. The new facilities have included a SNP array facility in the Academic Biomedical Centre, Utrecht University (2004), the Genomics Coordination Centre in UMCG (2009) and the Dutch Biobank Research Facility, NWO National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities (€9.8m) (2014).
In 2015 I was personally awarded an NWO Spinoza prize of €2.5 million and the University of Groningen Investment Agenda awarded me a grant for “Personalized Health” ( €2.9 million). In 2017 I was co-applicant for an NWO Gravitation grant: Netherlands Organ-on-a-Chip Initiative, which was awarded € 18 million.

Other activities
Stepping into the role of Rector Magnificus of the University of Groningen meant taking on many new roles, please see my CV above for more details.
In 2017, I became Co-PI on the Netherlands Organ-on-a-Chip Initiative (NOCI). Previously, I was Co-director of BBMRI-NL2.0 (2015-2019) and a Project Leader for Nutrition and Health in the Top Institute for Food and Nutrition (TIFIN) (2011-2017). I was also a Board Member of University College Groningen.
Since 2000, I have been a member of many committees within the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), including serving on the board of ZonMW, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (2018–2019), and as a member of the interdisciplinary VIDI committee (2012, 2013), the Large Equipment committee (2007–2011), the Research Institute for Diseases in the Elderly (RIDE) committee (2004–2009) and the ZonMw TOP Grant committee (2008). I have also served on grant committes for the European Research Council, on the Netherlands Bioformatics Center (NBIC) Young Scientist Award committee (2011, 2012) and on the scientific advisory committee ‘Career Development Grant’ of the Dutch Digestive Disease Foundation (MLDS) (2012–2015). I have also served in various roles for the Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW). For a more complete list, please see More.
I previously taught courses in 'Exploring Medical Sciences ' at University College Groningen and continue to teach at the Leena Peltonen School of Human Genomics.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 01 december 2022 11:12 |