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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Senka) Neuman-Stanivukovic, Dr


EU Foreign Policy and How Contested Spaces Become Regions

Europeanisation and infrastructural violence in South East Europe

A reluctant European? The Czech Republic’s EU membership experience read through the EU Council Presidency

Formations of Feminist Strike: Connecting Diverse Practices, Contexts, and Geographies

Formations of Feminist Strike

Roads of Europe: On Infrastructural Time, Near, Distant and Past Futures

European Studies and Europe: Twenty Years of Euroculture

Introduction: Twenty Years of European Studies and of Euroculture

Teaching European Studies in Times of Complexity: The Case of Euroculture

European Dis/integration in Times of Complexity: Reassembling Europe in the 2014 Protests and Plenums in Bosnia and Herzegovina