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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.W. (Michael) Dee, Prof


Evidence for European presence in the Americas in ad 1021

Radiocarbon-based approach capable of subannual precision resolves the origins of the site of Por-Bajin

A 5700 year-old human genome and oral microbiome from chewed birch pitch

Anchoring historical sequences using a new source of astro-chronological tie-points

Radiocarbon-based chronology for dynastic Egypt

A high-precision radiocarbon chronology of Inka rule in the Upper Loa River Region of northern Chile

A revised radiocarbon calibration curve 350–250 BCE impacts high-precision dating of the Kyrenia Ship

Caveat emptor! - Wiggle-matching European wood samples (AD 46-AD 286)

Diachronic quantification of the local marine reservoir effect (MRE) using Loripes orbiculatus shells from late holocene lagoonal deposits at Puntone di Scarlino (Central Tuscany, Italy): Proposed roles of microbial diagenesis and sedimentation rates

Early animal management in northern Europe: multi-proxy evidence from Swifterbant, the Netherlands


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Los vikingos ya estaban en América hace ahora justo 1.000 años

Ancient solar storm pinpoints Viking settlement in Americas exactly 1,000 years ago

The Vikings were 1,000 years ahead of Columbus

¿Quetzalcóatl era vikingo? Así se generó esta leyenda

Grote Europese subsidie voor Michael Dee

Archéologie : en 1021, les vikings avaient déjà découvert l'Amérique