M.W. (Michael) Dee, Prof
Associate Professor of Isotope Chronology

m.w.dee rug.nl
Chronology of Norse Transatlantic Colonies and Territories (CONTACT)
This ERC Consolidator Grant (~ €2.0m) aims to understand in fine detail how and when the peopling of the North Atlantic took place; when and how extensive the connection was between medieval Europe and mainland North America The grant runs from March 2023 - February 2028.
Exact Chronology of Early Societies (ECHOES)
This ERC Starter Grant (~ €1.5m) aims to use past surges in the concentration of radiocarbon in the atmosphere as marker poitns for exact chronology. The grant runs from February 2017 - February 2023.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 januari 2023 16:44 |