prof. dr. M. (Mónica) Lopez Lopez

2020-2024 |
ALLINTERACT. Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science. Funded by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Call: H2020-SwafS-2019 (€1.032.223). University of Barcelona, University of Groningen, University of Helsinki, University of Oxford, University of Milano-Bicoca, School of Social and Political Sciences – University of Lisbon, European Parents Association. |
2019-2022 |
Brighter Future: Innovative tools for developing full potential after early adversity (children in foster care, residential care, adopted and refugees). Funded by ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (€214.247). University Autonomous of Barcelona, University of Groningen, University of Verona, Pharos, Turin City Council and PAC-UK. |
2019- 2020 |
Do ethnic and gender stereotypes lead to disparities in child protection decision-making? A study in the Netherlands and the USA. Funded by NWO Idea Generator (€50.000). University of Groningen & Kempe Center of the Children’s Hospital at the University of Colorado Denver. |
2019- 2022 |
Role of group socioeducational programs in the processes of family reunification in foster care. Funded by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (€26.983). University of Barcelona (PI Nuria Fuentes). |
2019- 2021 |
LGBTQ youth in the child protection system: Shifting the focus from problems and deficits to resilience, connectedness and solidarity. Funded by CONACYT (Mexico National Council of Science and Technology). University of Groningen. PhD project Rodrigo González Álvarez (personal doctoral fellowship). |
2018- 2021 |
The impact of child protection workers’ personal factors on child protection decision-making. Funded by CONACYT (Mexico National Council of Science and Technology). University of Groningen. PhD project of Magdalena Garzón Fonseca (personal doctoral fellowship). |
2017- 2019 |
Needs and experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth in out-of-home care – Audre project. Funded by FWOS-Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Seksualiteit (€50.000). University of Groningen. |
2017- 2020 |
Wellbeing of children in residential homes in Mexico. Funded by CONACYT (Mexico National Council of Science and Technology). University of Sonora and University of Groningen. PhD project of Natalia Valencia Corral (personal doctoral fellowship, double doctorate candidate). |
2016- 2018 |
Breaking the silence of children in care – Project HEBE. Funded by Pro Juventute (€25.000). University of Groningen |
2015- 2018 |
Policies and responses with regard to child abuse and neglect in England, Germany and the Netherlands – Project Hestia. Funded by NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Co-operation in Europe), Welfare States Futures - Horizon 2020 (€730.619). University of Groningen; German Youth Institute and University of York. |
2014- 2017 |
Decision-making in matching children and families in foster care. Funded by the Rosalind Franklin Fellowship Programme of the University of Groningen, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. University of Groningen. RFF starting grant to cover expenses of a PhD 4 years (Kirti Zeijlmans). |
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 10:56 |