M.H. (Marja) Cantell, Dr

My multidisciplinary research projects have involved researchers and students from the University of Groningen; University Medical Centre Groningen; Beatrixoord UMCG Centrum voor Revalidatie; Hanze University Groningen; Codarts University of the Arts, Rotterdam; Western Australian Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) Research Group and Notredame University, Australia; University of Jyväskylä, Finland; University of Calgary, Canada; CanChild MacMaster University, Canada
1. A longitudinal study of the relationships between motor, executive and language development in children with and without developmental risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder and language disorder https://www.researchgate.net/project/MELLE-project-Developmental-trajectories-of-motor-skills-executive-functions-and-language-functions-in-preschoolers-with-and-without-risk-for-motor-coordination-problems
[Relatie tussen motorische ontwikkeling, taalontwikkeling en executieve functies bij kinderen van 3 tot 5 jaar met en zonder een risico op Developmental Coordination Disorder en taalstoornissen]
2. Intrinsic and external variables associated with children's motor competence (PhD project of Donna Niemistö, U. of Jyväskylä, Finland; co-supervision Cantell, Juutinen, & Sääkslahti)
3. Cross-cultural Dutch adaptation of the Adolescent Motor Competence Questionnaire (AMCQ) and preliminary exploration of its psychometric properties (PhD project of Amanda Timler, University of Notredame, Fremantle, Australia)
4. Reliability and validity of the Finnish version of the Motor Observation Questionnaire for Teachers (PhD project of Piritta Asunta, U. of Jyväskylä, Finland)
JYX - Motorisen oppimisen vaikeuden tunnistaminen ja tukeminen kouluympäristössä (jyu.fi)
5. Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Little Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (LDCDQ-NL; Cantell, Houwen, & Schoemaker, 2018)
6. Physical activity in families with young children (Y-Be-Active)
7. Evaluating Emotional Well-Being after a Short-Term Traditional Yoga Practice
8. Inclusive, mixed ability dance, e.g., 'I can dance' (wijkproject); Nightwalker 2 - Toucheddef by Andre Arends & Saskia Damen)
9. Scoping review on dance movement therapy methods, co-operation with Rosemarie Samaritter: Samaritter, R., & Cantell, M. (2020). Wording the complexity of dance movement therapy: A scoping review on how dance movement therapists describe their clinical practice. In H. Wengrower & S. Chaiklin (Eds.), Dance and Creativity within Dance Movement Therapy (pp. 111-123). eBook ISBN9780429442308
10. Quality of movement and embodied observation in children with and without developmental disabilities (co-operation with Darcy McGehee)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 19 januari 2023 11:03 |