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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.F. (Laura) Bringmann


Assessing daily life activities with experience sampling methodology (ESM): Scoring predefined categories or qualitative analysis of open-ended responses?

New diagnosis in psychiatry: beyond heuristics

A Gentle Introduction and Application of Feature-Based Clustering with Psychological Time Series

Assessment of fit of the time-varying dynamic partial credit model using the posterior predictive model checking method

A template and tutorial for preregistering studies using passive smartphone measures

A Time-Varying Dynamic Partial Credit Model to Analyze Polytomous and Multivariate Time Series Data

Capturing the Social Life of a Person by Integrating Experience-Sampling Methodology and Personal-Social-Network Assessments

Changing networks: Moderated idiographic psychological networks

Considering the 'With Whom': Differences Between Event- and Signal-Contingent ESM Data of Person-Specific Social Interactions

Evaluating Contextual Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data in the Presence of Noise


Kabinet kent ruim € 142 miljoen voor wetenschappelijk toponderzoek toe

Miljoenen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar stress: 'Op deze schaal echt uniek'

Het hoe-we-depressief-worden-model