dr. L.F. (Laura) Bringmann

I am an associate professor at the Psychometrics and Statistics department of the University of Groningen. I studied at the University of Amsterdam, receiving a bachelor’s degree in clinical neuropsychology, a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, and a master’s degree in psychological methods. I also have a master’s degree in clinical neuroscience from Ruhr University Bochum. In October 2016, I defended my PhD thesis at KU Leuven, Belgium, supervised by Francis Tuerlinckx and Denny Borsboom. My main interests are time series analyses, dynamical networks, ESM in clinical practice, and philosophy of psychology.
I am a part of The Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE), the Young Academy Groningen (from September 2018-2023), and the Stress in Action Gravitation consortium.
In 2019 I received a VENI grant – NWO, project title: “Changing networks: New models to detect changes in psychiatric disorders” (250,000 euros).
Check out my lab members on my labpage LaBlab.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 03 juni 2024 19:55 |