D. (Dana) Mustata, Dr

Dana Mustata is currently leading the project 'Television Histories in (Post)Socialist Europe' (2013- 2016) funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO (€27,000). From February 2014, she will be starting a four-year VENI project on 'Everyday Matters. Material Historiographies of Television in Cold War Contexts'. The project is funded by the NWO (€250,000). It studies work relations between the BBC and Romanian television during the Cold War through the lens of material artifacts used in the everyday professional activities of the two broadcast institutions.
She is also affiliated to the European EUscreen project.
International (refereed) journals
- Mustata, D. (2012): ‘Television in the Age of (Post)Communism’ in Journal of Popular Film and Television, Vol 40, Issue 3, Fall 2012
- Mustata, D. (2012): ‘History in the Backstage of Romanian Television Archives’ in VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture Vol. 1, Issue 1 'Making Sense of Digital Sources', URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-112805
- Mustata, D. (2011): ‘“The Revolution Has Been Televised…” Television as Historical Agent in the Romanian Revolution’ in Journal of Modern European History 10(1): 76-97
Books, or contributions to books
- Mustata, D. (forthcoming 2013): ‘Nicolae Ceausescu Live’ in Uncertain Entertainment: Popular Television in Totalitarian Europe, Goddard P. (eds), Manchester University Press
- Mustata, D. (2013) ‘Geographies of Power: The Case of Foreign Broadcasting in Dictatorial Romania’ in Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War’, in Badenoch A., Fickers A., Henrich-Franke C., Namos Verlag
- Mustata, D. (2012): ‘Within Excess Times and a Deficit Spaces. Cross-border television as a transnational phenomenon in 1980s Romania’ in Fickers A., Johnson C. (eds.) Transnational Television History: a Comparative Approach, Routledge
- Mustata, D. (2012): ‘Television in the Age of (Post)Communism’ in Imre A., Havens T., Lustyik K. (eds) Popular Television in Central and Eastern Europe: Entertaining a New Europe, Routledge
- Mustata, D. (2012): ‘Editorial’ in VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, Vol 1, Issue 2 ‘Europe on and behind the Screen’
- Mustata, Dana (2011) ‘Contextualization and the Critical Use of Online Audiovisual Archives. A Report on the First EUscreen International Conference’ in Rundfunk und Geschichte, Vol. 37, Issue 1-2
- Mustata, Dana (2011): ‘Europa zet televisie-erfgoed online’ in 609. Cultuur en Media, 7
- Curating the following virtual exhibitions based on research on audiovisual archival material originating from nineteen television broadcasters in Europe, published at www.euscreen.eu/exhibitions and www.europeana.eu: ‘History of European Television’; ‘Food and Drink’ (together with Sian Barber, Royal Holloway University of London & Berber Hagedoorn, Utrecht University); ‘Culture in Europe’ (together with Sian Barber, Royal Holloway University of London & Berber Hagedoorn, Utrecht University); ‘Holidays’ (together with Richard Hewett, Royal Holloway University of London and Berber Hagedoorn, University of Utrecht).
Conference Papers and Talks
- Mustata, D. & Lundgren, L. (2013, June 21): De-westernizing Television History?, NECS Conference 'Media Politics. Political Media', Prague, Czech Republic
- Mustata, D. & Lundgren, L. (2013, June 17): De-westernizing Television History?, ICA Preconference New Histories of Communication Studies, London, UK
- Mustata, D. (2013, May 14): The Power of Television. Broadcast Politics in Communist Romania, Södertörn University Higher Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden
- Mustata, D. (2012, October 24-28): Lessons from the East: Insights into Television Historiography, at 4th ECREA European Communication Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
- Mustata, D. (2012, September 30th): Academic Valorization of Online Audiovisual Content, at International Federation of Television Archives World Conference, London, UK
- Mustata, D. (2012, September 28th): VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar, London, UK
- Mustata, D. & Negraru I. (2012, September 14th): Television History Goes East: TVR’s Heritage in EUscreen, at ‘Television Heritage and the Web’ ̧ EUscreen International Conference, Budapest, Hungary
- Mustata, D. (2012, September 13th): Curating Online Television Histories. Exploring Innovative Uses of EUscreen content in the Research Domain through the Curation of Virtual Exhibitions, EUscreen International Conference, Budapest, Hungary
- Mustata, D. (2012, June 23): Challenging Television Historiography in an Analogue World, at ‘NECS Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory’, Lisbon, Portugal
- Mustata, D. (2012, June 16, 2012): Television beyond the Nation: Production and Reception in Communist Romania , at ‘East-West Cultural Exchanges and the Cold War’ conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2012
- Mustata, D. (2012, April 28): The Power of Television: Negotiating a Dictatorial Regime, at Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference (CEECOM), Prague, Czech Republic
- Mustata, D. (2012, March 23): The Europeans of Early TV. Curating a Virtual Exhibition, EUscreen Content Provider Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic
- Mustata, Dana (2011, September 30): Networks of Archival Value. Best Practices, International Federation of Television Archives World Conference, Turin, Italy
- Mustata, Dana (2011, September 16): Key Note Lecture Doing Television History outside the Box. Unexplored Territories on the European Agenda, EUscreen International Conference on Use and Creativity, Stockholm, Sweden
- Mustata, Dana (2011, March 19): Televising Sound: The Rise and Fall of a Totalitarian Regime, Sound Bridges, Sound Walls, Hilversum, The Netherlands
- Mustata, Dana (2010, May 14): Televising European Events: From Cold War Borders to EU Borders, 1st FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar, Paris, France
- Mustata, Dana (2009, December 07): Accessing Cross-Border Television, Utrecht Centre for Television in Transition, The Netherlands
- Mustata, Dana (2009, September 15): Shifts of Technopolitics: TV Transmission and Reception in Romania, 'The History of the Electronic Image: A Long Term Perspective' Doctoral Summer School, Pleumeur-Bodou, France
- Mustata, Dana (2008, July 22): Cross-Over Territories of Television in Romania, Germany and Romania: Academic, Cultural and Ideological Transfers, Berlin, Germany
- Mustata, Dana (2008, June 28): The Romanian Wall: Television as the Screen between the Local and the Global, Television without Borders: Transfers, Translations and Transnational Exchange, Reading, UK
- Mustata, Dana (2008, March 14): Discourses and Practices of Television. Historicizing Romanian Television, Utrecht Media Seminar, The Netherlands
- Mustata, Dana (2007, July 12): Questioning Modernization or How Romanian Television Reordered Space and Time, PhD Summer School ‘Technologies and Their Environments’, Darmstadt, Germany
- Mustata, Dana (2008, March 15): Video Active: Creating Access to European Television History by Linking Academic and Archive Practice, Moving Image Archiving and the Academy Conference, Leeds, UK
- Mustata, Dana (2008, July 08): Visions and Practices of State Control. The case of communist Romanian Television, PhD Seminar Historische Institut der RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Mustata, Dana (2007, April 20): Manufacturing the Alienated Nation: Media Events in Communist Romania, Rethinking Television Histories: Digitizing Europe's Televisual Heritage, London, UK
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 10:54 |