D.C. (Diana) Rus, Dr
Through my research, I strive to understand how we can help create (work) environments where people thrive and flourish. I am approaching this question via the lens of power and leadership processes as well as creativity and innovation. My main research interests could be clustered around three different broad questions:
1. When and why do leaders behave destructively and how can organizations mitigate this destructive behavior?
2. How can leaders create the optimal conditions for creativity and innovation in teams and entrepreneurial ecosystems?
3. How can individuals and organizations innovate in a more sustainable manner?
I received my PhD in Management from the Organization and Personnel Management Department at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (2009). Prior to joining the University of Groningen, I have held a number of positions wihtin industry, including running an innovation management consultancy.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 04 maart 2024 14:55 |