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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons B. (Beatriz) Noheda, Prof

Research interests

Noheda’s research focuses on understanding the relationship between structure and functionality of thin films of ferroelectric, piezoelectric and multiferroic materials, the control of nano-domains that self-assemble by strain engineering, as well as the characterization of the distinct properties of domain walls. Her main scientific contributions have been the discovery of low symmetry (monoclinic) phases in high piezoelectric materials (PZT and MPB piezoelectrics) and the observation of domain walls as "vertical interfaces" with distinct structure and functionalities.  Although her research is fundamental in nature, it is inspired by two main application areas that she believes will enable the next technological revolution: piezoelectric energy harvesting for low power electronics and the development of novel materials for neuromorphic computing.


Ferroelectric chalcogenides-materials at the edge

Ferroelectric Domain Structures in Low-Strain BaTiO3

Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of an epitaxial oxide

Super switching and control of in-plane ferroelectric nanodomains in strained thin films

Flexoelectric rotation of polarization in ferroelectric thin films

Conduction through 71 degrees DomainWalls in BiFeO3 Thin Films

Spin Hall magnetoresistance and spin Seebeck effect in Pt |CoCr2O4 heterostructures

(001)-Oriented Sr:HfO2 Ferroelectric Films Deposited by a Flexible Chemical Solution Method

A special collection honoring Professor Thom Palstra, an exceptional scientist, leader and mentor

Domains with Varying Conductance in Tensile Strained SrMnO3 Thin Films Using Out-of-Plane Electric Fields


How Hafnia Is Paving the Way for Neuromorphic Computing

Hafnia Is Paving the Way for Neuromorphic Computing, Which Is Wonderfully Weird

Wonderfully Weird: How Hafnia Is Paving the Way for Neuromorphic Computing

Hafnia Is Paving the Way for Neuromorphic Computing, Which Is Wonderfully Weird

How Hafnia is paving the way for neuromorphic computing

Wonderful and weird

Exploring the properties of very thin hafnium dioxide

Eine Formel für alle Metalle

A fresh look at metals reveals a 'strange' similarity