B. (Beatriz) Noheda, Prof

Bio sketch
Beatriz Noheda (she/her) is full Professor at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, where she chairs the Solid State Materials for Electronics group, at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials. She is married and has two children.
Noheda is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and recipient of the IEEE- Robert E. Newnham Ferroelectrics Award. She has been elected member of the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI) and has served as member of numerous national and international committees, as well as of several editorial boards (including the Board of Advisors of Science). She is author of more than 150 publications, receives more than 10 personal invitations per year to speak in international conferences and has given more than 10 plenary and keynote talks. Noheda is the founding director of the Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials center (CogniGron) .
Noheda received her PhD in Physics from the UAM in Madrid in 1996). She arrived in Groningen in 2004 after being awarded a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship. Before that, she had been Assistant Physicist (tenure-track) at the Physics Department in Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York), and beamline scientist at the NSLS synchrotron. Noheda had also held various research stays and positions at University of Saarlandes, Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford and Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
Professional experience:
Director CogniGron center (01/2018- present)
Full Professor at University of Groningen (01/2014- present)
Associate Professor at University of Groningen (2008-2013)
Assistant Professor at University of Groningen (2004-2008)
Researcher at VU-Amsterdam (2002-2003)
Assistant Physicist (tenure-track) at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL), New York (2000-2002)
Research Collaborator at BNL, New York (part time, 1998-1999)
Visiting scientist at Clarendon Lab, University of Oxford (1997)
Profesor Asociado (University teacher) at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (part-time 1996-1999)
DAAD Fellow at Saarlandes University, Saarbrücken, Germany (1994)
PhD candidate at Univ. Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain (1992-1996)
Elected member of the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI) (2022)
Elected Senior member IEEE (2021)
IEEE- Robert E. Newnham Ferroelectrics Award (2020)
Awarded "for outstanding contributions to the understanding of the giant piezoelectricity in lead zirconate titanate and ferroelectric relaxors, based on her discovery of their low symmetry phases".
Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) (2011)
Awarded "For fundamental structural studies of new phases in perovksite-type ferroelectric materials and of domain nanostructures in epitaxial films of multiferroics."
Rosalind Franklin Fellow by the University of Groningen (2004)
Visiting Professor at Université Paris Sud (Spring 2016)
Chair of the Nano, Quantum & Materials Physics working group for the Dutch Science organization-NWO (2019-2022)
Chair of the Rosalind Franklin Fellowships Selection Committee (University of Groningen, 2015 & 2017)
Member of the:
- Advisory Board Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of the U. of Luxembourg (2020- 2022)
- Board of Reviewing Editors (BORE) of Science (2019-2024)
- Editorial Board of Physical Review Applied (2019- )
- Editorial Board of the npj Quantum Materials (2018- )
- Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Physics Letters (2013-2022)
- Editorial Board of Phase Transitions (2007- )
- Evaluation Committee Helmhotz-Rossendorf Center in Dresden (2018-2021)
- Exam committee Top master Nanoscience (U. Groningen) (2018-2020)
- Advisory Board at Luxembourg Institute of Technology (PEARL programme) (2017- 2020)
- Condensed Matter and Optical Physics (COMOP) advisory committee of the Dutch funding agency FOM-NWO (2017-2018)
- Steering committee (Dutch representative) of the International and European Meetings of Ferroelectricity (IMF & EMF)
- International Advisory Board of the European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD).
- Advisory board of the Lorentz International Center for Workshop Organization.
- Nominating Committee of the American Physical Society (DMP-Div.) (2013-2014)
- Selection Committee Young Academy Groningen (2016)
- Committee Outstanding Young Investigator Award of the MaterialsResearch Society
Research output
Publications: see Google Scholar
Invited talks (listed only accepted invitations)
2022 -
Invited talk at the Seminar 3DFEM, Penn. State University, USA, Jan 11th (online)
Physics@Veldhoven meeting, The Netherlands, Jan 25th
Invited Colloaquium at ARCNL, Amsterdam, June22nd
CIMTEC 2022 (symposium on Emerging Materials, Technologies and Applications for Non-volatile Memory and Memristive Devices), Perugia, Italy, June 27th
Invited Colloqium at AMOLF, Amsterdam, July 4th
MRS Fall Meeting (symposium on Harnessing Functional Defects for Energy and Electronic Frontiers), Boston, MA, November 27th– December 2nd.
Electronic Materials and Applications conference (EMA2021). Symposium on Complex Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures: From Synthesis to Strain/Interface engineered Emergent Properties. Jan 21st, (online)
Fundamental Physics for Ferroelectrics (Ferro2021) workshop, Feb. 2nd (online)
IEEE-ISAF-ISIF-PFM conference, May 17th (Plenary speaker, online)
Guest speaker at SAMSUNG SEIT, May 24th (online)
Guest speaker at NEURONN EU Network meeting, May 27th (online)
International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) - International Conference in Asia (ICA-2021), Jeju Island, Korea (hybrid), October 7th (online)
25 Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, CRC/TRR 270 and CRC1242, November 10th (online)
Japanese Materials Research Meeting (MRS-J), Jokohama, Japan (hybrid), December 14th (Keynote speaker, online)
MRS Fall virtual meeting - Symposium: F.NM07: Progress in Neuromorphic Computing Materials, Devices and Systems, Nov 27-Dec. 4.
MRS Spring virtual meeting - Symposium EL09: Ferroelectricity and Negative Capacitance—Fundamentals, Applications and Controversies, Nov 27-Dec. 4.
MRS Spring virtual meeting - Symposium EL-12: Ferroic materials and heterostructures, Nov 27-Dec. 4.
PETRA IV Workshop - Earth, Environment, and Materials for Nanoscience and Information Technology, Nov 2- 4.
CMDGEFES2020 (Cond. Mat. Div. of the European Physical Society and Spanish Royal Physics Society), Aug. 31- Sep. 4. (Plenary speaker)
Conference of a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, June 2-4.
QUOROM- Virtual conference on Oxide Electronics, May 28.
Colloqium at Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Feb. 7.
2019 -
M2i Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Dec. 12 (Plenary speaker)
International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (iWOE26), Kyoto, Sep.29-Oct.2
Workshop on Neurotronics: Bio-inspired information pathways, Kiel, Sept. 2-5
European Meeting on Ferroelectricity (EMF), Laussanne, July 15-19
Symposium on oxide electronics, EMRS-Spring meeting, Nice, May 27-31
"Bits&Brains" symp. of the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW), April 27
Workshop on Ferroic Domain Walls "Warwick in Venice", Venice, March 27-28
PAC symposium, University of Amsterdam, March 7
Talk at Instituto of Nanotechnology de Aragon (INA), February 20
Talk at Nanogune, Donostia (Spain), February 18
Colloquium at AMOLF Institute, Amsterdam, January 14
2018 -
XGEFES-2018- Spanish Cond. Mat. Physics meeting, Valencia (Spain), January (Keynote speaker)
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles (CA), March.
The 16th European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC16), Edinburgh, July (Plenary speaker)
Gordon Conference in Multiferroics, Bates College, Lewiston (ME), August.
14th International Symposiumon Ferroic Domains, Barcelona, September
2017 -
4th Intl School of Oxide Electronics (ISOE2017), Cargèse, Corsica, April.
13th International COnference on Materials Chemistry (MC13), Liverpool, July (Keynote speaker).
International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF2017), San Antonio (Texas), Sept.
Nature Conf.: "Ferroic Materials: Challenges and Opportunities", Xi’an, October.
2016 -
Royal Society Meeting, workshop on “Domain Wall Functionality”, London, Feb.
APS march Meeting, Focus: “Dielectric and Ferroic oxides”, Baltimore, March.
MRS Spring Meet.-Sympos. "Functional oxide heterostructures ", Phoenix, March
MRS Spring Meet.- Symp. “Tuning Propert. by Elastic Strain Eng.”, Phoenix, March.
CIMTEC-2016/5th Intal. Conf. Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Peruggia, June.
14th Intl. Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, New York, July.
Joint IEEE ISAF/ECAPD/PFM Conference in Darmstadt, August
(Plenary speaker) -
13th Intl. Symp. on Ferroic Domains (ISFD-13), Vancouver, October.
2015 -
DPG Meeting of the German Phys. Soc., Symp on 'Domain Walls', Berlin, March.
Yearly Meeting of the Dutch Vacuum Society (NEVAC), Groningen, April.
Colloquium at Imperial College London, London, June.
13th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Porto, June.
Bianual UK-NL Condensed Matter Meeting, Amsterdam, September.
2014 -
“Simufer” COST meeting, Genoa, January.
MRS- Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April.
CIMTEC conference, Montecatini Term, June.
Gordon Conf. ‘Multiferroic & Magnetoelectric Materials’, Biddeford, ME, August.
NanoCity 2014: The New Event on Nanotechnology, Utrecht, October.
2013 -
NWO-CW meeting, Veldhoven, Netherlands, March.
(Plenary speaker) -
EMRS Spring Meeting, Symp. “ Multifunct. binary and complex oxides films appl.” Strasbourg, May.
Debye Colloquium, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, June.
2011 -
Colloquium at Dep. Chemical Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands, February
Pre-meeting tutorial at the APS-March Meeting, Dallas, March.
Piezo-response symp. (WW) at the MRS-Spring meeting in San Francisco, April.
20th IEEE Intal Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Vancouver, July.
2010 -
Workshop on Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics, Aspen, Colorado, February.
3rd workshop for Emergent Materials Research (EMR), Postech, Korea, July.
Symp. on Phase transitions in funct. perovskites, EMRS-Fall meeting, September.
2009 -
Colloquium at the University of Geneva, May.
Multiferroics Symposium at the MRS-Spring meeting in San Francisco, April.
Oxides Interfaces Symposium at the MRS-Spring meeting in San Francisco, April.
Physics Colloquium at the University of Groningen, April.
2008 -
Ferroelect. and Multiferr. sympos. at the MRS-Fall meeting, Boston, December.
17th Intal. Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Santa Fe, US, February.
Symposium on Ferroelectrics, ICMAB, Barcelona, Spain, January.
2007 -
Physics Seminar of the Max Planck Inst. and U. Stuttgart, Stuttgart, November.
11th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Bled, Slovenia, September.
Workshop High Res. Beamline at PETRAIII, Hamburg, Germany, September.
Ferroelectrics-UK 2007 Meeting, Dundee, Scotland, August.
European School on Multiferroic Materials, Grenoble, France, July.
MaReMaS-Seminar at the University of Leipzig, Germany, June.
2006 -
Physics Colloq. van del Waals-Zeeman Institute (U. of Amsterdam), September.
Rank Prize Symposium on Electro-Optic Nanostructured Arrays, UK, September.
23rd European Crystallographic Meeting, Leuven-Belgium, August
(Plenary Speaker) -
Talk at 'Center of Excellence on Electric Fatigue'- TU Darmstadt, Germany, July.
NEVAC (Dutch Vacuum Organization) Meeting , Groningen-Netherlands, April.
International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, Honolulu-USA, April.
Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics, Virginia-USA, February.
2005 -
230th American Chemical Society Meeting , Washington-USA, August.
Winter School on Piezoelectrics-EPFL, Chateau-Deux-Switzerland, February.
2004 -
Seminar at the Institute of Physics ( Leiden University ), November.
Seminar at HASYLAB-DESY, Hamburg- Germany, May.
Seminar at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid- Spain, April.
2003 -
Rosalind Franklin Fellowships Awards, University of Groningen, September.
2002 -
Seminar at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales- CSIC, Madrid- Spain, April.
Ferroelectrics-UK Meeting, Leeds UK, March.
2001 -
Workshop on Thermodyn. and Struct. Properties of Mat., Avignon, September.
10th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Madrid-Spain, September.
20th European Crystallographic Meeting, Krakow-Poland, August.
2nd Stig Lundqvist Research Conference on the "Advancing Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics: Non-conventional Systems and New Directions", Trieste, July.
National Synchrotron Light Source Users Meeting, New York-USA, May.
103rd American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, April.
American Physical Society March Meeting, Seattle-USA, March
2000 -
7th European Powder Diffraction Conference, Barcelona-Spain, May.
Workshop on Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics, Aspen,Colorado-USA, Febuary.
Rosalind Franklin Fellowship (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, U. of Groningen), (2004-2009)
MSCplus funds (Materials Science Centre, U. of Groningen), (2004-2009)
FOM 'projectruimte' (Dutch organizat. for Fundam. Res. of Matter), (2004-2009)
VIDI-NWO (Dutch Science Organization) Fellowship, (2004-2008)
EU-STREP project (MACOMUFI) on Multiferroic thin films (2006-2009)
TOP-NWO project on Functional Nanowalls, with T.T.M. Palstra (2007-2012)
Zernike Inst. Dieptestrategie grant on Multiferroics Domain walls, with M. Mostovoy (2009-2014)
FOM-Nano project with T, Banerjee and G. Rijnders (2011-15)
NanoNextNL program- Multilayered and artificial materials (2011-2015)
Zernike Inst. Dieptestrategie grant on Hybrid Magnetoelectric Nanostructures, with K. Loos (2009-2014)
Grant from the Aduarderkring RuG Alumni on Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting (2012-2016)
TOP-PUNT grant by Dutch Science orgnanization NWO (2016-2021)
Outreach/in the media
Our work on ferroelectric hafnia featured in several technology webpages: EurekaAlert, ScienceDaily, eeNews, and others
Our work within Nanolab NL featured in Youtube films : NanoLabNL: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - Beatriz Noheda NanoLabNL: Atomic Scale Control to Enhance Nanotechnology From Defect to Device. Science Linx- RuG piece by René Fransen
Speech at the Opening of the Academic Year 2013 (Invited by the RuG Rector Magnificus Prof. E. Sterken)
One of the "100 Inspirational profiles" of Lynnette Madsen's book " Successful Women Ceramic and Glass Scientists and Engineers " (Wiley,ISBN: 978-1-118-73359-2)
"City of Talent" billboard in the streets of Groningen
YouTube video (by Bruno van Wayenburg) on my work with Gustau Catalan on Flexoelectric piezoelectricity
YouTube video (by Bruno van Wayenburg) on piezoelectric energy harvesting as part of a grant application of Monica Acuautla
Ultra-thin piezoelectrics for energy harvesting, RUG university press release, October 2011
In Dutch:
Onze samenwerking met gemeente Zuidhorn in de nieuws
Groningen-City of talent "ambassador" (2013)
Energie uit beweging (YouTube animation by Bruno van Wayenburg) on my work with Gustau Catalan
Energie oogsten in de sportshal (Broestraat 5, Alumni RuG Magazine, 2012)
Ultradunne piëzo-elektrische materialen winnen verloren energie (FOM press release, October 2011)
Doorbraak in onderzoek: energie uit vloeren en wegen (Groninger Gezinsbode, October 2011)
Materialen voor de toekomst ( Materials for the future) (Broerstraat 5, Alumni RuG Magazine, 2005)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 17 januari 2025 19:11 |