dr. A. (Auke) Plantinga
Universitair Hoofddocent

a.plantinga rug.nl
Currently, I am the coordinator of the MSc Finance program. I also teach the following courses:
- Portfolio Management
- Pre-Msc Research Paper Finance/IFM
- BSc E&BE Thesis (track BE)
In the past, I thaught the following courses
- Banking, Insurance, and Risk Management
- Behavioral Finance
- Derivative Instruments
- Finance & Economics (1st year students BSc Business Economics)
- Finance (2nd year BSc Business Economics)
- Field Course Finance (research methods in Finance)
- International Finance
- Management of Financial Institutions
- Mortgage backed securites (CFA Level II)
- Performance Measurement (VBA students)
- Specialization course Finance (third year BSc), Brealey & Myers.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 15:47 |