dr. A. (Auke) Plantinga

I am an associate professor in finance. I am involved in research and teaching in the field of finance, in particular portfolio management. My research is dedicated to impact investing and household finance.
Impact investing is an investment strategy that includes non-financial goals in the investment decision, effectively expanding the utlity function outside of the domain of cash flows only. For example, this allows for strategies incorporating ethical considerations, sustainable investments, fossil fuel divestment, preferences for regionally oriented investments.
I started my study of Business Economics at the RUG and graduated in 1990. I completed my PhD thesis under supervision of J.L. Bouma and R.A.H. van der Meer at the University of Groningen in 1999.
Current positions outside the University of Groningen
Member of the supervisory board of Trustus Capital Management
Past positions outside the University of Groningen
Treasurer of the Groningen University Fund (2018-2023)
2000-2019 Partner in HEAP consulting, a firm specialized in financial consulting and web-based solutions in finance.
2006-2009 Academic coordinator of the VBA program for Permanent Education. The VBA is the Dutch association of Financial Analysts
2004-2005 Visiting associate professor at DePaul University in Chicago.
1999-2002 Part-time independent financial consultant working for financial institutions in the field of performance measurement and asset-liability management.
1998-1999 Senior consultant Asset-Liability Modelling at Fortis Investments in the Netherlands. Involved in preparing investment plans and ALM studies for clients and prospective clients of Fortis Investments, in particular pension funds. I was also involved in ALM for the Fortis life insurance branche.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 juni 2023 16:09 |