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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.G. (Agha) Bayramov, Dr


Conclusion: EU-Central Asia Relations – Adapting to New Realities on the Ground

European Union Governance in Central Asia: A Sectoral Approach

Introduction: The European Union’s Governance in Central Asia – A Sectoral Approach

Geopolitical Constraints in the EU’s Revised Strategy towards Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan

Onwards and ...eastwards? EU-Azerbaijan relations as an example of crisis-driven agenda-setting within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy

The Green Energy Corridor between the EU and the Caspian Sea: Potential and Challenges

Eastern Partnership Index 2023

From Passive to Active: Unpacking the EU’s New Role in Promoting Peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia

Producing Knowledge about Eastern Europe in times of War: The case of Dutch Media and the Second Karabakh War


What do Baku and Brussels need to do to see eye to eye on gas supplies to the EU?

G7 in Italy: Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East dominate priorities

El plan de energía verde de Azerbaiyán de 3.800 millones de dólares para impulsar a Europa

Transcontinental link would move clean electricity from Caucasus to Europe

Germany’s Zeitenwende: Turning Toward Central Asia?

Wie steunt wie in het conflict Armenië en Azerbeidzjan?

Russia weakened by Ukraine war, unrest in region lurks & More Latest News Here

Rusland verzwakt door Oekraïne-oorlog, onrust in regio ligt op de loer