Posted on: | 11 April 2022 |
NOVA press release
Posted on: | 21 January 2020 |
ELT MICADO Instrument Passes Preliminary Design Review
Posted on: | 07 September 2019 |
Third edition TechTalks050, September 30: AI and law – Robotization in the courtroom
Posted on: | 25 March 2019 |
Sprekende 5G-bril voor blinden en slechtzienden winnende idee 5G Student Battle
Posted on: | 22 March 2019 |
Op donderdag 4 april a.s. zijn Cor Harjtes en Ronald Teijken van IBM te gast tijdens de 5G Masterclass en gaan zij het hebben over IBM Watson IoT.
Posted on: | 08 June 2016 |
EuroVis 2016, hosted by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands (6-10 June 2016) is the 18th annual visualization gathering organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and supported by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC). EuroVis has been a Eurographics and IEEE co-supported international visualization symposium held in Europe annually since 1999. EuroVis has been a conference since 2012.
Posted on: | 10 February 2016 |
Euclid is the next cosmology mission of the European Space Agency, ESA. It will study the dark energy and dark matter. The NWO-Groot funding of 1.985.000 euro will be used to establish a Dutch Science Data Centre with which astronomers in the Netherlands can access the data from this satellite, and participate in the scientific analysis.
Posted on: | 09 July 2015 |
An international team of astronomers, using data processed within the Target expertise center at the University of Groningen, announced today a series of new findings from a major dark matter survey. These are the first results from the Kilo-Degree Survey which uses ESO's VST telescope in Chile and they include as yet the most accurate measurements of dark matter distribution in groups of galaxies.
Posted on: | 11 May 2015 |
Not a single seat was left empty at the Infoversum during this year's Target fulldome lecture show, part of the EU Kijkdagen
Posted on: | 26 February 2015 |
The MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope has given astronomers the best ever three-dimensional view of the deep Universe. MUSE looked at the Hubble Deep Field South region for only 27 hours but the observations reveal the distances, motions and other properties of far more galaxies than ever before as well as faint objects that remained invisible to Hubble. Target at the RUG and other EU partners provide the data management system that enables scientific discoveries with MUSE.
Posted on: | 19 June 2014 |
June 17th marked the opening of the digital 3D fulldome theater Infoversum in the vibrant city of Groningen. The first theater of its kind in the Netherlands, the Infoversum was inaugurated by the King's commissioner Max van den Berg and the mayor of Groningen Ruud Vreeman.