VR Meetup 3
We had our 3rd edition of the VR Meetup series!
This time we covered the topics VR, 5G and new future possibilities! We had a fantastic line up with great speakers.
For example Gert-Jan Verheij (University of Groningen) was talking about Social VR and how VR can be used in training law students.

Ewout Karel (Innovation manager T-Mobile Nederland) had a very enthusiastic story about 5G in general and how T-Mobile is coping with 5G technology and innovation inside their Futurelab corporate jamming programme.

Martin van der Pol (CTO IoT & Innovations, T-Systems Nederland B.V.) updates us on two great 5G projects inside the harbour of Hamburg and the Osram facilities in Germany. Autonomous driving vehicles, IoT, 5G, low latency, industry 4.0.

At the end of the programme Bas Beukers from Horus VR had the chance to update the audience on the showcase - how we managed to set up a VR livestream over native 5G without a noticeable latency directly into our dome tent.

See you next time (date & location will be announced soon) where we will focus on serious gaming and VR.
If you have an interesting proposition, idea, prototype… send me an e-mail and we will contact you!

Last modified: | 24 June 2024 4.45 p.m. |
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