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Society/business Center for Information Technology Educational Support and Innovation Training Courses and Workshops

Shared course offer at other universities

Are you eager to hear more about the latest educational developments and learn from colleagues from other universities?  Then this is your chance to be part of a national collaboration, specifically designed to bring you together with a diverse community of teaching staff from different institutions.

From Rotterdam to Maastricht, Amsterdam to Groningen: face-to-face meetings, online courses, webinars and hybrid activities will be offered at various locations, dates and times in 2024 and 2025. This allows educators to delve deeper into relevant topics such as innovative technologies, diversity and inclusivity, assessment, and sustainable development goals. These seven institutions enable teachers to choose from a rich, diverse offering that aligns with their own development needs and professional interests, without being bound to a fixed location.

Eligibility criteria for staff to participate:

  • You are employed and have formal teaching duties at one of the participating universities (Open Universiteit, Radboud University Nijmegen, Maastricht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University, or Rijksuniversiteit Groningen).
  • In most cases, it is of added value if you have already obtained the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ/BKO).
  • Certain activities offered are only available in Dutch or English. To participate in these, you require sufficient proficiency in the language offered.

The opportunities available during the second half of 2024 are available below and will be updated frequently. For more information, you can contact Marlies Venhuizen-ter Beek.

Designing education with innovative technology (ICT)

Integrate generative AI into your course effectively and responsibly

Effectively integrating generative AI into your course 

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Generative AI, like AI chatbots, has a significant impact on how students learn and the future of their professions. How do you navigate this? 

In this workshop for teachers, programme directors, and programme coordinators, discover VU Amsterdam policies and VU-CTL recommendations on deploying generative AI in teaching and learning. Gain valuable ideas on integrating it effectively and responsibly into your programme or course. 

Location: Hybrid 

Dates and times:

  • 1 October 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 

  • 3 December 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 

Language: Dutch, unless someone cannot speak Dutch - in which case English. 

Costs: Free 

More information and sign-up: 

Effective educational videos to boost students' learning

Effective educational videos to boost students' learning  

Erasmus Universiteit

Do you want to create educational videos for your course but don't know where to start? No worries, we'll help you out! In this short webinar 'Effective educational videos to boost students’ learning', you will be introduced to writing an effective script, choosing the right images to support your story, and integrating the video into your course. This webinar is also accessible for non-teaching staff. 

What will you achieve? 

  • Choosing the right images to support your story; 
  • Integrating your video into your course; 
  • Writing an effective script. 

Dates and times:

  • 30 January 2025, 12:00 – 13:00 

  • 27 May 2025, 12:00 – 13:00

More information and sign-up: 
Language: English
Implementation: online webinar
Cost: free

Five dimensions of quality for educational videos

What do we mean when we talk about quality? Five dimensions of quality for educational videos

Open Universiteit

In this workshop, we will dive into the world of educational videos together and explore what really makes these videos of high quality. We start by exploring participants' views on what defines a good educational video. Using examples, we identify criteria of quality. 

We then introduce a theoretical framework in which these criteria are conveniently grouped into five dimensions. The participants use this to do further assessment of their own videos using a checklist that includes these five dimensions. 

During the joint discussion of the videos, the presenters will add an extra layer to the theoretical framework which may answer the question why people sometimes judge the same product very differently in terms of quality.  

We will conclude the workshop with provocative questions that you will take home with you, so that afterwards you can reflect further on how to continue improving the quality of educational videos. 

Location: Online / Face2Face  

Workshop duration: 90 minutes. 

Dates and times: On request. Starting from 6 registrations, we will contact participants to schedule a moment. 

Participants should bring their own laptop. 

Language: Available in Dutch and English 

Costs: Free 

More information and sign-up: For more information, send an e-mail to docentprofessionalisering 

Design for hybrid courses

Design for hybrid courses 

Erasmus Universiteit

In this interactive one-hour webinar, you will learn about the concept of hybrid course design. A course design model in which you will explore the best possible modality for each learning activity. We will provide you with suggestions and ideas to reflect on the design of your own course. Not just for the possible hybrid start of the coming academic year but especially to prepare you for the education of the future. 
What will you achieve? 

  • Learn about the concept of hybrid course design. 
  • Receive suggestions and ideas to reflect on the design of your own course. 

Dates and times: upon request; for more information, please see Hybrid course design (
Language: English
Implementation: online webinar
Cost: free

Make your Canvas course student-friendly and inclusive

Make your Canvas course student-friendly and inclusive 

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Learn important guidelines to make your Canvas course student-friendly and inclusive for all students. Canvas is the central online meeting place for students and teachers. It's important that students can find the information they need so you don't have to answer unnecessary questions and so students won't fail because they couldn't find crucial information. This is particularly critical for students with visual impairments, for instance. Join this workshop to gain the skills needed to enhance accessibility and usability within your Canvas course. 

Date and time: 4 June 2024
Language: Dutch
Location: hybrid
Cost: free
More information and registration via Make Your Canvas Course Student-Friendly and Inclusive (

Diversity and inclusion

Giftedness: Shining a light on bright students

Giftedness – Shining a light on bright students

Maastricht University

Among students as well as teaching staff confusion exist about giftedness. There is no clear definition, while there are many assumptions about giftedness, like the idea that a gifted student will always achieve high grades and never get stuck. In fact, giftedness is not only mental acuity or cognitive ability, but it is a set of characteristics, including sensitivity, doubt and setting (too) ambitious goals. Although gifted students mention the same problems as their peer students, an extra layer of complexity is added because of these characteristics and this can negatively influence their well-being and academic performance. 

In the first half of the session, we will explore the prejudices and pitfalls of giftedness.  In the second part, we will discuss ways in which gifted students can be supported by exploring some helpful tools for coaching these students. Overlap of characteristics can be seen between giftedness and behavioral, emotional and anxiety disorders such as AD(H)D and. In this meeting we also will shine a bit more light on this topic. Understanding this can help gifted students to develop their talents and thrive in (academic) life. 

Date: 25th November 2024 

Time: 13:00 - 17:00 

Location: On-campus, EDLAB Maastricht University Teaching & Learning Centre – Sint Hubertuslaan 12, Maastricht 

Trainer: Anke Smeenk 


Accessible lectures in three steps

Accessible Lectures in Three Steps

Leiden University

Would you like to update an existing lecture or design a completely new one? Would you like to know what all your students need to understand lecture materials? Please attend the online module Accessible lectures in three steps and find out how to tailor your lecture to the neurodiverse group of students in your course. 

Location: Online 

Dates and times: Start at any time (self-paced) 

Language: Available in Dutch and English 

Costs: No costs, open access 

More information and sign-up: Send an e-mail to: trainingoffice stating your name, institute, preferred language (Dutch/English) and subject: “registration module Accessible Lectures in Three Steps”. You will receive a link to the e-learning module which you can complete in your own time. 

Autism-inclusive education

Autism-inclusive education

Open Universiteit

The aim of this course is to give you an understanding of how the world works for someone who is autistic, and the effects this has on education. In doing so, you will develop the ability to empathise with autistic students. The course provides guidelines for making education autism-inclusive, with concrete examples of how to apply those guidelines. The guidelines become understandable as you have first gained an understanding of autism.

Location: Online

Language: Dutch

Dates and times: Start at any time

Cost: Free

More information and sign-up

Improving inclusion with the VU Mixed Classroom Model

Improving inclusion with the VU Mixed Classroom Model 

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The VU Mixed Classroom Model is an educational approach that builds on diversity to enrich the learning experience for all students. Building on differences doesn't mean compromising between diverse  perspectives or merging them into one unified perspective. Instead, we use the differences and potential tensions between perspectives to stimulate critical thinking, develop analytical skills, and generate creative solutions. In this session, we will showcase the model and put it into practice. Additionally, we will explore practical examples demonstrating its utility both within and beyond the classroom. 

Date and time: 15 May 2024, 10:00-11:30
Language: Dutch, unless someone is not proficient in Dutch – then English
Location: on campus
Cost: free
More information and registration via Improve inclusion with the VU Mixed Classroom Model.

Introduction to Dutch (inleiding tot het Nederlands)

Introduction to Dutch (inleiding tot het Nederlands)

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Speak, write, and understand useful Dutch 
During the course, you will learn Dutch phrases, greetings, vocabulary, numbers, spelling, and grammar. By the end of the course, you will be able to recognise familiar words and phrases about yourself and your family. You will be taught to use simple sentences to describe where you live and about the people you know. Finally, you will be able to write short texts such as an email or fill in forms with personal details. The focus will be on receptive skills such as reading and listening. 

This course has been ranked as one of the best online courses by online course aggregator Class Central

The course will take place over the course of three weeks, helping you to: 

  • Introduce yourself and connect with fellow learners; 
  • Talk about your family, friends, work, and study; 
  • Experience life in the Netherlands. 

Dates and times: you can start anytime (self-paced). Do you want to join a global classroom of learners? Start August 12, 2024.
Language: English
Implementation: MOOC
Cost: free of charge (completion within three weeks, no certificate) or €75 for participants who want a certificate or want to study longer than three weeks. 
Meer information and registration via Introduction to Dutch - Online Course (


Assessment in higher education

Assessment in higher education: professional development for teachers 

Erasmus Universiteit

In this MOOC you will work on your own assessment products through assignments. For example, you can create an assessment plan for your own course. In addition, you will become part of a global learning community of higher education teachers. We offer instructional videos, interviews with experts and with teachers, animations, and checklists. In addition to this, you will find exercises, test assignments and discussions in the MOOC. 

Dates and times: every 8 weeks it is possible to register and start
Language: English
Implementation: MOOC
Cost: free
More information and registration via Assessment in Higher Education: Professional Development for Teachers | Coursera.

Sustainable development

Beyond content: how to really make a difference as a teacher

Beyond content: how to really make a difference as a teacher  

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

During the course you will discuss why education and science should be key drivers of sustainability. Additionally, we'll explore ways to not only equip students with the required knowledge but also with the necessary skills for the future. This training helps you to make your teaching future-proof!  

The course will provide food for thought as well as room for discussion. As a participant, you will get inspired and develop ideas about how you can integrate the topic of sustainable development into your own teaching, even when there’s a lack of time to make big adjustments.   

Dates and times:

  • 23 January 2025, 11:30-14:30
  • 13 February 2025, 12:30-14:30

Language: English, unless all participants speak Dutch
Location: on campus
Cost: free
More information and registration via Course Beyond content: how to really make a difference as a teacher (

Impact driven education

Impact driven education 

Erasmus Universiteit

Are you looking for ways to create impact with your education? Our world is complex and full of 'wicked problems'; through our education, we can prepare students to contribute to solving these challenges. But where do you start? Join this webinar to explore the principles of impact-driven education and identify opportunities for your discipline. This webinar serves as an introduction to the MicroLab 'How to design impact-driven education?' and is also accessible to non-teaching staff. 

What will you achieve?  

  • Explore the principles of impact-driven education and identify opportunities for your discipline. 

Dates and times: upon request, for a minimum of 4 participants. Send an email to training
Language: English, unless all participants speak Dutch
Location: online
Cost: free
More information: Course Impact driven education (

Student engagement

Bringing TV techniques to teaching - How to entertain, engage and educate

Bringing TV techniques to teaching: how to entertain, engage and educate! 

Universiteit Maastricht

In this workshop you will receive guidance on how to enhance your teaching by using storytelling, videos, interviews, and other techniques from the TV industry. Whether being taught online or face-to-face, students learn better in a stimulating environment. It is the responsibility of the lecturer to create that environment with their performance, the course content, and the positive energy they engender from their audience.  

All this can be achieved by using easy to learn techniques from the TV industry. Teaching and being taught can be much more fun, if you know how to! TV producer and media skills trainer Julian Dismore will introduce you to different ways to make your lectures and materials more engaging while maintaining the academic standard. Exercises, discussions, and role play will help you improve your approach.  

There are numerous ways you can bring your lectures to life. And presenting skills like passion, body language and pacing can all be improved quickly and effectively. Julian’s career has been built on making even the driest subject matter compelling for a prime-time TV audience, so he’s confident he can help make any academic content compelling, with the right approach. 

Date and time: 11 November 2024, 13:30-16:00
Language: English
Location: online
Cost: free
Trainer: Julian Dismore
More information and registration via Bringing TV Techniques to Teaching – How To Entertain, Engage and Educate! (

Remote (individual) guidance of student(s)

Remote (individual) guidance of student(s)

Open Universiteit

The focus of this workshop is the successful supervision of (individual) students. A special aspect here is the role of the online tutor. After all, many teachers maintain contact with students remotely: through phone calls, e-mail and zoom or during virtual classes.

During this workshop we will cover some theoretical aspects and practice fundamental interaction and conversation techniques, like feedback rules in role play and discussions based on sources and videoclips. We try as much as possible to connect to situations in your own teaching practice. The focus is always on optimizing each person's strengths as effectively as possible for (online) individual coaching. 

Dates and times: on demand, starting at 4 registrations. Participants will be contacted to schedule a moment. 
Language: Dutch/English
Location: online/face-to-face
Cost: free
Interested? Please send an e-mail to docentprofessionalisering


10 handy methods to save time in your course

10 handy methods to save time in your course 

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

In this workshop, you’ll learn 10 ways to achieve the same quality of teaching (or better) with less effort. 

In this workshop, we will dive into ten simple methods to reduce the time spent on conducting teaching, and specifically grading student work, without compromising the quality of teaching. You can apply the methods to almost all forms of teaching. 

Location: Hybrid 

Dates and times:  

  • 22 October 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 
  • 14 January 2025, 11:00 - 12:30 

Language: Dutch, unless someone cannot speak Dutch - in which case English. 

Costs: Free 

More information and sign-up: 

Meaningful professionalization

Meaningful professionalisation 

Maastricht University

Date: 2nd December 2024 

Time: 09:00 - 11:00 

Location: Edlab, Maastricht 

Trainer: Eveline Persoon 


On face value we will all agree that reflecting on your practice is an important tool to understand and monitor your progress and professional growth. Thus making professionalisation meaningful. But what exactly is reflection? Why is it important and what are helpful models that can support you to reflect effectively? In this 2-hour workshop we will take a closer look at these questions and highlight the relevance of reflection in professional development of teachers and learners. 

Supervising thesis students

Supervising thesis students

Leiden University

How do you see yourself during a supervision process: are you a delegator, expert, coach or perhaps critical friend? Are you looking for tools to better guide your students in the challenging thesis process?  

As a supervisor, you play a key role in student success. This course will provide you with the tools and strategies to improve your supervision skills and provide effective mentoring. Learn about different supervision roles, common challenges and how to provide valuable feedback to your student. Start now and learn how to take your supervision skills to the next level in this short module. 

Location: Online (self-paced) 

Dates and times: Start any time (independently) 

Language: Available in Dutch and English 

Costs: Free 

More information and sign-up: Send an e-mail to: trainingoffice stating your name, institute, preferred language (Dutch/English) and subject: “registration module Supervising thesis students - PDE”. You will receive a link to the e-learning module which you can complete in your own time. 

Successful PhD Supervision

Successful PhD Supervision: a shared journey (MOOC)

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

This course aims primarily to support both aspiring and more experienced PhD supervisors in their important and challenging role. The course may also be relevant for policymakers and trainers within scientific institutions. 

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to: 

  • Identify the most important moments and phases in the PhD trajectory; 
  • Assess your own role and shared responsibility as a supervisor; 
  • Experiment with tools and methods to improve the effectiveness of PhD supervision; 
  • Apply effective interaction techniques in conversations with the PhD student; 
  • Improve the process of dealing with expectations and formulating goals; 
  • Reflect on your professional development as PhD supervisor in the academic context; 
  • Demonstrate awareness of your own values, qualities, and pitfalls; as well as awareness about being a role model to your PhD students. 

Dates and times: anytime (self-paced)
Language: English
Location: online
Cost: free
More information and registration via Successful PhD supervision - Online Course (

How to visualize your educational content

How to visualize your educational content

Erasmus Universiteit

Are your slides overloaded with text? Would you like your slides to support your teaching in the best possible way? Then follow the webinar "How to visualize your content"! During this webinar, you will learn why it is important to use visualization principles and how to do it effectively. 

Date and time: 9 April 2024, 12:00-13:00
Language: English
Location: online
Cost: free
More information and registration via How to visualize your content (

OU Education Day 2024

Open Universiteit Education Day 2024

Open Universiteit

On Thursday 21 November 2024, the Open University will organise the Education Day. This event, by and for all those involved in education at the OU, is a time to showcase what OU lecturers are proud of. During this day, the prestigious awards for Product and Teacher of the Year 2024 will also be presented. 

Interesting workshops/presentations are scheduled during the day. Some of the examples are Autism, Community building in education, Use of multimedia, AI. The final programme will be available sometime around the end of September. 

Location: Online / Hybrid / Face2Face  

Dates and times: 21 November, 9.30 - 16.00 

Language: Dutch and English are both available (depending on which workshop you attend)  

Costs: Free 

More information and sign-up: 

The final programme and corresponding workshops will be announced from October. If you are interested in participating in the day, please send an e-mail to dagvanhetonderwijs

As soon as the programme is known and registration is possible, we will send you a link. A notification will also be posted on LinkedIn.

decorative image
The project team, from left to right: Jaap Mulder, Marjoleine Vermeulen, Tanisha Bachasing, Nathalie Veenendaal, Elisabeth Bilo, Silvester Draaijer, Marlies Venhuizen-ter Beek; below: Donna Carroll, Natascha Heeroma
Last modified:04 October 2024 12.15 p.m.
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