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Dr. Claudia Minchilli

Dr Minchilli’s PhD-thesis has been recognized with the Ted Meijer prize by the KNIR (Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome) that granted her a three months fellowship with the Institute. As part of this fellowship, she is now working on a project that analyses Somali and Syrian refugee women's digital practices in pandemic and post-pandemic times.

Dr. Olga Pasitselska

Currently, Dr. Pasitselska leads two projects: "Messaging apps as a civic infrastructure" looks at the role of messaging apps in local civic self-organization based on a set of case studies, including neighborhood-level messaging groups in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic, building and condominium groups in Israel and Germany, and refugee aid groups on a city-level in Germany. The second project, "Media literacy for older adults in Ukraine", in cooperation with a local NGO, studies older adults' digital media use practices and coping strategies in times of war. This project aims to create a training program to enhance older adults' digital media literacy and psychological resilience during the violent conflict.

Dr Annamária Neag

Annamária is currently finalising a comparative international study called “Children and youth digital civic engagement in a globalised world” that analyses the digital activism of young people involved in the Fridays for Future movement in Hungary and the Czech Republic. The website of this project can be accessed here.

Prof. Dr. Marcel Broersma

Marcel Broersma currently leads the NWO-funded research program “Informed Citizenship for All. Digital Literacy as Prerequisite for an Inclusive Society”. It starts from the everyday life experiences of citizens and analyzes a) how citizens develop competences for and understanding of digital technologies; and b) which individual, social and technological factors determine how people develop digital literacy. Subprojects focus on how children (8-12 years old) and low-literate adults develop digital literacies and navigate the digital society.

Broersma is also involved in a range of projects that focus on digital in- and exclusion, such as the Digital Academy Northern-Netherlands (DANN), Information Desks for the Digital Government in libraries, and Regiodeal Oost-Groningen projects on Digitalisation for SME’s and Digicoaches in local neighborhoods.

Last modified:10 April 2024 10.58 a.m.