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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Science, Business & Policy


The SBP master track prepares you for a position at a policy organisation or company.

Former SBP students now have jobs as:

  • Project managers/project leaders in R & D (e.g. at Pfizer, Bayer, Shell, DSM) (20%)
  • Policy Advisor s (e.g. Arcadis, EU, RIVM, ministries, provinces, municipalities and NGOs) (20%)
  • Independent science consultants
  • Entrepreneurs in companies they started (25%)
  • PhD researchers in preparation for an R & D function (25%)
  • Lecturers or researchers (10%)

Below, students and alumni tell you about their experiences with the program.

Student experiences with the SBP-track

Students from variable disciplines share their experiences with the Science, Business & Policy track.

Rob Riesmeijer
Rob Riesmeijer
Really a link between science and policy

"Whoever wants do the SBP master’s should have a broad interest," says Rob Riesmeijer, alumnus and now Strategic Advisor, Infectious Disease Control at RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. He describes the qualities an adviser needs: "Communication is important. As a consultant, you should respond well to the needs of your target audience. You must have a nose for the application of scientific knowledge, for example, in policy or in a commercial product."

Riesmeijer studied medical biology and chose the SBP master track because of the multidisciplinary program. "I liked looking at science from the point of view of business. The role of science advisor has opened my eyes. I did not know that you could be working with science with this perspective."

Riesmeijer graduated in 2008, and he now works at the Centre for Infectious Diseases (RIVM), with which he came in contact during his internship. There he is coordinator of the strategy and policy team. "I maintain the relationships with the Ministry of Health. The Ministry regularly asks us about infectious diseases. They are looking for an expert who knows the answer to their questions and can translate that information into a policy. So I'm really a link between science and politics, exactly as envisaged by the program. Thanks to my training as a medical biologist, I am knowledgeable enough to be a full partner for an expert, but I have the capacity to translate scientific information into policy."

For students who now face the choice of a master’s programme, Riesmeijer advises: "Familiarise yourself especially with the profession you wish to practice after graduation. Look for jobs that interest you, and talk with people who have your dream job. If you know which profession you like best, you can make the right decision."

Sereh Simons
Sereh Simons
Knowing what you want

" I wanted to do a broadly orientated master’s." Sereh Simons explains her choice for the SBP master track. "I did not like work in research, and I thought that with a background in business, I would be better prepared for a job. That turned out to be a good choice, because I got a job at the company of my internship immediately after graduation."

During her internship, Simons did a feasibility study on raw materials for making biogas for the company, BioMCN Delfzijl. This company makes biomethanol, a biofuel. "I found the internship to be the most fun part of the course. I found out that science extends beyond the university. The peer review weeks, before, during and after the internship were very valuable. You ask your fellow students questions, and they help you with your project. It is very motivating."

Simons graduated in 2012 and worked at BioMCN as a project consultant. As she described her experience, "My daily work is very diverse. I coordinate the purchase of raw glycerol, but am also involved in projects, so I see a lot of the company."

Simons encourages students to choose their internship wisely, because a job can be the result. "The company already knows you, so they will have a preference for you above an unknown candidate. So make sure you do your internship at the end of your master’s."

"SBP is about your career after college. What do I want and what am I capable of? You will be provided with tools in order to find out. You also learn to work independently and stand up for yourself."

Simons now works as a clinical information scientist at Erasmus University.

Last modified:05 July 2024 10.21 a.m.