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OB PhD Candidates

Research Project
Beek, Sabine van de tba
Bieselt, Helena
Gender ratio and power dynamics in mixed-gender teams: implications for gender inequality in organizations
Chen, Cheng
The effectiveness of boundary spanning: the role of information absorption
Fastje, Franzisca
The antecedents and consequences of hybrid work arangements: a multi-level perspective
Fraros, George

Moving towards sustainability: balancing additive and subtractive innovation

Hinsberg, Kyra van
Women in leadership positions: an investigation into the advantages and disadvantages of holding a senior position
Kang, Yezi

How do newcomers get better socialized over time through their interpersonal relationships?

Lier, Tijn van tba
Ockels, Giulio

The importance of legitimacy in disentangling the complex relationship between control, trust, and performance in teams

Paryono, Herman
Toward a theory of multiple-role configurations
Qu, Yi tba
Sari, Tunahan
Schiphorst, Wout
Under pressure: how auditors remain independent in their interactions with clients
Vries, Wout de

The role of a changing context as a determinant of leadership

Wermser, Frederik
Effects of identification with multiple subgroups versus superordinate categories on post-integration identification: a longitudinal research of identification processes during organizational integration
Xu, Sylvia

Communicating morality: the good, the bad and the ugly

Ykema, Yke tba
Zhang, Jinghao
Don't treat me like a tool! Objectification process during leader-follower interaction
Zhao, Tongtong

What, how, and when gendered advice relations influence women’s advancement: a meso-level perspective

Last modified:06 February 2025 1.40 p.m.