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OB Fellows

Berger, Dr. Stefan
Leadership, High-performance teams and team development, Work design, Organizational culture, New work
Bloom, Prof.dr. Jessica de
Recovery from job stress, Well-being, Ecological momentary assessments, Interventions
Brake, Dr. Joost van de
Multiple team membership, team fluidity, temporal dynamics, social network
Janssen, Prof.dr. Onne
Leadership, Work motivation, Employee creativity and innovation
Mulder, Dr. Laetitia
Morality, Sanctions, Norms, Ethics, Social dilemmas
Nijstad, Prof.dr. Bernard
Decision making, Indecision, Creativity, Innovation, Teamwork
Oedzes, Dr. Jacoba Hierarchy, Status, Power, Leadership, Teams
Rink, Prof.dr. Floor
Diversity, Newcomers, Identity processes, Team innovation, Team performance
Ryan, Prof.dr. Michelle
Diversity, Leadership, Gender discrimination, Glass cliff, Ambition
Stoker, Prof.dr. Janka
Leadership, Organizational change, Self-managing teams, Competence development, Middle management
Vegt, Prof.dr. Gerben van der
Knowledge sharing, (Multidisciplinary) Team effectiveness, Team member socialization, Interpersonal relationships, Team development
Vries, Dr. Thom de
Collaboration within and between teams, Effective team functioning, Team-based organizations, Emergency management, Organizational and team resilience
Yuan, Dr. Yingjie
Social networks, Team creativity, Team information processing, Star performers
Last modified:11 July 2024 1.55 p.m.