Grants obtained
Total funding awarded is well over € 30 million. Completed projects are indicated by *
2017 NWO Gravitation grant: Netherlands Organ-on-a-Chip Initiative (co-PI; total grant €18 million)
2016 K.G. Jebsen Centre (Oslo) for Coeliac Research (1 postdoc for 2 years awarded to CW as co-PI )
2015 University of Groningen Investment Agenda grant for “Personalized Health” (€2,973,300)
2015 N W O Spinoza prize SPI-92-266 ( awarded € 2.5 million )
2014 BBMRI-NL2.0 grant of € 9.8 million, awarded by NWO as part of the National Roadmap for Large-scale Research Facilities . BBMRI-NL2.0 is a collaboration betweem BBMRI-NL, CTMM-TraIT (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine, Translational Research IT project) and EPI2 (European Population Imaging Infrastructure). More
2013 ERC Advanced Investigator, CD-LINK, Celiac disease: from lincRNAs to disease mechanism (Awarded € 2.3 million)
2013 EU KP7 grant: TANDEM - Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus; unraveling the causal link, and improving care (Awarded to Prof. C. Wijmenga € 395,000)
2013 Visiting Scientist grant from the Sigrid Juselius Foundation to visit the research group of Riita Laheshmaa in Finland (Awarded € 10,000)
2011 * The Dutch Digestive Diseases Foundation (MLDS) grant 11-30: Genetic risk profiling in individuals at-risk for coeliac disease (Awarded € 117,000)
2011 Top Institute Food and Nutrition (GI001): Validation of biomarkers for GI health (Awarded € 4.5 million)
2010 * BBMRI-NL grant RP1: the Genome of the Netherlands (Awarded € 2 million)
2010 * BSIK grant: Coeliac Disease Consortium 2 (€ 675,000 awarded to Prof. C. Wijmenga as co-PI for a period of 3 years)
2009 * National Institute of Health grant R21 DK84568-01: Characterizing the genetic architecture of childhood onset celiac disease using newly identified loci in a prospective cohort in the United States (Principal investigator Dr. E. Liu, Univ. Colorado, Aurora, USA; co-applicant Prof. C. Wijmenga. Awarded $ 250,000)
2009 * RuG/UMCG/FWN grant to set up the ‘Genomics Coordination Center’ together with the Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, University of Groningen. (Principal investigators Prof. C. Wijmenga and Prof. R. Jansen. Awarded € 2,300,000)
2008 * Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW) AGIKO grant 92003533: The role of CARD9 variations in ulcerative colitits (Awarded 1 MD/PhD position/2 years)
2008 * Dutch Heart Foundation 2008B004: Searching for new candidate genes for intracranial aneurysms using a genome wide association study (Principal investigator Dr. Y. Ruigrok, UMC Utrecht; co-applicant Prof. C. Wijmenga. Awarded € 230,000)
2008 * Wellcome Trust grant WT084743MA: Extended genome-wide association study in coeliac disease (Principal investigator Dr. D. van Heel, Queen Mary Univ London, London, UK; co-applicant Prof. C. Wijmenga. Awarded £ 1,100,000)
2007 * EU KP7 grant 201379: COPACETIC - COPD Pathology: Addressing Critical gaps, Early Treatment and Innovative Concepts (Awarded to C. Wijmenga 1 PhD position/4 years)
2007 * UMCG innovation fund research grant: Implementatie van array CGH bij patiënten met mentale retardatie en/of multiple congenitale afwijkingen (Awarded € 105,000)
2007 * EU STREP KP6 grant 036383 : Influence of the dietary history in the prevention of coeliac disease: possibilities of induction of tolerance for gluten in genetic predisposed children . PreventCD consortium (Awarded to Prof. C. Wijmenga, 1 PhD position/4 years)
2006 * Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation (DFN) grant 2006.00.007: Combined genetic and genomic analysis in search for a diabetes susceptibility genes (Principal investigator Dr. T.W. van Haeften, UMC Utrecht; co-applicants Prof. M.H. Hofker, UMCG; Prof. C. Wijmenga, UMCG) (Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years)
2006 * UMC Utrecht stimulation grant for internationial collaborations: Molecular pathogenesis of coeliac disease (together with a Polish partner, Dr. B. Cukrowska) (awarded € 39,000)
2005 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research ( NWO) innovational research grant (VICI) 918.66.620: A genetic approach to common factors in inflammatory disorders, with a focus on the intestinal epithelial barrier (€ 1.25 million awarded)
2005 * I OP genomics grant IGE05012: The role of inflammation in obesity-induced type 2 diabetes: towards new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets (Principal investigator Prof. M.H. Hofker, Maastricht University; co-applicants Prof. C. Wijmenga, Dr. Y. van der Schouw, UMC Utrecht, Prof. W. Buurman, Maastricht University) (€ 1 million awarded to Prof. C. Wijmenga for a period of 4 years)
2005 * Grant from Coeliac UK: Genome-wide association studies in celiac disease (Principal investigator Dr. D. van Heel, Imperial College, London, UK; co-applicant Prof. C. Wijmenga. Awarded GBP 300,000)
2005 * Dutch Brain Foundation (Hersenstichting), grant 13F05.13 (Awarded € 25,000)
2004 * Grant from the Academic Biomedical Centre, Utrecht University, to establish SNP facility (Awarded € 410,000, 1 research technician/5 years, plus purchase of Illumina Bead Station)
2004 * Janivo foundation grant ((Awarded € 11,000)
2003 * ZON-MW program grant 40-00812-98-03106: Molecular regulation of copper excretion in the liver by Murr1 (Principal applicant Prof. C. Wijmenga. Co-applicant Dr. L. Klomp, UMC Utrecht. Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years, 1 postdoc/3 years)
2003 * BSIK grant 03009: Coeliac Disease Consortium (€ 2.3 million awarded to Prof. C. Wijmenga as co-PI for a period of 6 years)
2003 * The Dutch Digestive Diseases Foundation (MLDS) grant 03-06: Identification and characterization of the CELIAC4 gene: a major non-HLA locus for celiac disease located on chromosome 19 (Awarded 1 postdoc/2 years)
2002 * MLDS grant 02-34: Dissection of copper excretion pathways in the liver: identification of new candidate genes for unknown copper-related liver disease (Principal applicant CW. Co-applicant Dr. L Klomp, UMC Utrecht. Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years)
2002 * ZON-MW program grant 912-02-028: Celiac disease: a functional genomics approach to define molecular pathways (Principal applicant CW. Co-applicant Dr. F. Koning, LUMC. Awarded 2 PhD positions/4 years, 1 postdoc/2 years)
2001 * International Copper Association (ICA) grant H-GL-01-08: Genetic mapping of the Indian Childhood Cirrhosis locus (Awarded 1 research technician/3 years)
2001 * Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) grant 902-22-204: Plotting the initiation and disease progression in celiac disease (Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years)
2000 * The Dutch Digestive Diseases Foundation (MLDS) grant 00-13: Expression profiling in small intestinal biopsies of celiac disease patients (Awarded 1 postdoc/2 years)
2000 * Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) grant 901-04-219: Analysis of biological pathways from sequence and expression data using computational tools (Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years)
1999 * Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) grant 902-23-254: The role of the gene involved in non-Indian childhood cirrhosis (NICC) in mammalian copper metabolism (Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years)
1998 * International Copper Association (ICA) grant TPT0551-98: Identification of the gene involved in endemic Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis (ETIC) and idiopathic copper toxicosis (ICT) (Awarded $ 270,000)
1997 * DFN grant 97.114: A total genome screen in Dutch Caucasian sibs with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years, 1 research technician/4 years)
1997 * The Dutch Digestive Diseases Foundation (MLDS) grant 97-44: The genetic determinants of celiac disease (Awarded 1 PhD position/4 years)
Last modified: | 07 February 2020 3.17 p.m. |