Current PhD Projects

Raven A.R. Cammenga
Supervisors: Laura Govers (MarBio), Lies van Nieuwerburgh (Rijkswaterstaat)
Developing the knowledge-base for subtidal eelgrass restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Larissa De Paola
Supervisors: Chris Smit (ConsEco), Kiera Tiedge (GREEN), Casper van der Kooi (GREEN)
Colour and chemistry - How flowers signal reward quality to pollinators

Koen Freerks
Supervisors: Martijn Egas (TRÊS), Marion Nicolaus (ConsEco), Mick Elliot (EGDB)
The ART of mating - Eco-evolutionary dynamics of Alternative Reproductive Tactics in males of the two-spotted spider mite

Lea Hahn
Supervisors: Laura Govers (MarBio), Klemens Eriksson (MarBio)
Advancing and upscaling subtidal seagrass restoration in the Dutch Delta

Sarah Henaut Jacobs
Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Thiago Motta Venancio (UENF, Brasil)
Investigating the hidden effects of intensive agriculture on the assemblage of seed-borne microbiomes

Corné C. Hoff
Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Sylvia Mota de Oliveira (Naturalis/LU), Leni Duistermaat (Naturalis)
Systematics of Commelinaceae

Jeroen Hofs
Supervisors: Per Palsboll (MarBio), Draško Holcer (Croatian Natural History Museum), Bojan Lazar (University of Primorska)
Kinship and social structure of bottlenose dolphins in the North-East Adriatic Sea

Cherine C. Jantzen
Supervisors: Marcel Visser (NeuBio/NIOO), Liesbeth Bakker (WUR/NIOO), Joseph Burant (NIOO)
The heartbeat of the forest - Using a digital twin to assess cascading effects of beech crop dynamics on a species interaction network

Lingwang Kong
Supervisors: Hannah Dugdale (BPE), Jan Komdeur (BPE), David Richardson (UEA)
Quantifying ecological and evolutionary forces shaping social effects on senescence in Seychelles warblers

I.G. Farah Kootstra
Supervisors: Chris Smit (ConEco), Bregje van Wesenbeeck (Deltares/TUD)
Ecology and conservation of salt marshes

Mathilde M.J. Le Levier
Supervisors: Jean-Christophe Billeter (EGDB), Casper van der Kooi (GREEN), Darrell Kemp (Macquarie University)
Study of the function of iridescent dynamic signals in Papilio and Eurema butterflies

Jiahao Li
Supervisors: Uli Eisel (NeuBio), Jocelien Olivier (NeuBio)
Effects of a TNFR2 agonist on stress-ionduced pathological and behavioural changes in AD mice

Nanyang (Chloe) Li
Supervisors: Marjon de Vos (GREEN), Thomas Hackl (GREEN), Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Dirk-Jan Scheffers (GBB)
Bloodstream infection – The identification of distinctive phenotypic bacterial targets

Hami Nasri
Supervisors: Martien Kas (NeuBio), Rampal Etienne (TRÊS)
Validation of digital endpoints for social functioning

Pieter J. Otte
Supervisors: Chris Smit (ConsEco), Tim Hofmeester (SLU)
Investigating detection methods, abundance, and ecology of small mustelids

Milenka I. Sloots
Supervisors: Han Olff (ConsEco), Jedidah Nankaya (Maasai Mara University)
Sustainable rangeland management in Narok, Kenya, through collective action

Vera Thijssen
Supervisors: Han Olff (ConsEco), Michiel Veldhuis (Leiden university), Amanda Subalusky (Florida University)
Restoring a meta-ecosystem - How to functionally reconnect Serengeti National Park to Lake Victoria

Risa Ummami
Supervisors: Simon Verhulst (BPE), Koen van Benthem (TRÊS)
Telomeres in relation to manipulated ageing and lifespan

Maaike van der Zanden
Supervisors: Marcel Visser (NIOO), Roelof Hut (NeuBio), Kamiel Spoelstra (NIOO)
The influence of artificial light at night on amphibians

Arne O.K. van Eerden
Supervisors: Theunis Piersma (ConsEco), Eldar Rakhimberdiev (UvA), Wouter Vansteelant (ConsEco)
WAAKVOGELS - Movement ecology of spoonbills in the Dutch Wadden Sea – and beyond

Andrés Viñas Martínez
Supervisors: Sanne Moorman (NeuBio), Simon Verhulst (BPE), Simon Griffith (Macquarie University), Marc Naguib (WUR)
Social song imitation - Scoping intrinsic and external mechanisms for auditory-vocal learning

Zhenzhen Yuan
Supervisors: Sebastian Lequime (GREEN), Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN)
Virus-virus interactions between mosquito-specific flaviviruses

Danique C. Zantinge
Supervisors: Niki Gervais (NeuBio), Robbert Havekes (NeuBio)
Vulnerability to neurodegenerative disease - Role of ovarian hormones and X-linked genes
Last modified: | 03 January 2025 1.24 p.m. |