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Second event GHLG: health sector corruption

Date:19 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
The second event focuses on health sector corruption as an important issue of concern under international human rights law, health law, and global health governance. This session seeks to provide various legal and practical responses to the problems of corruption in the health systems.

IDLO Global Health Law Intern 2015

Date:16 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
The International Development Law Organization(IDLO) seeks an inter to provide support to its health law research ad programs.

First meeting of ILA’s new Global Health Law Committee - 19, Feb. 2015

Date:16 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
On 19 February the first meeting of the Global Health Law Committee of the International Law Association will take place in Geneva. The Committee is Chaired by Professor Frederic Abbott and Dr Brigit Toebes. The meeting will focus on ‘health security’ as an important theme under global health law, and will in this context discuss the challenges posed by the recent ebola crisis.

The Ebola crisis: challenges for Global Health Law

Date:03 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
The recent Ebola crisis has caused approximately 11.000 deaths so far. Compared to other global health crises, including the deaths caused by armed conflicts and chronic diseases, this is still a small amount. Yet, from a global and domestic health law and governance perspective, this crisis raises a number of vital questions and challenges, which were also addressed during a recent SHARES debate organised by the University of Amsterdam.

Launch of Global Health Law Groningen - panel discussion on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Date:03 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
On Monday 26 January we officially launched our new initiative ‘Global Health Law Groningen’ (GHLG). During the launch we paid attention to the most important and influential standard adopted within the context of the World Health Organization (WHO): the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

“Health is a plaything of commercial interests”

Date:01 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
Lawyer Phon van den Biesen suing the government to reclaim because of the tobacco lobby. It is a case on the basis of health law, a field in attendance. Also at the Launch of Global Health Law Groningen, University of Groningen.

Launch of Global Health Law Groningen

Date:19 January 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
We kindly invite you to the launch of our Global Health Law Groningen initiative on Monday 26 January from 16.00 – 17.30, in the Senaatskamer  (Academy Building, Broerstraat 5). Global Health Law Groningen is aimed at researching international or ‘global’ health law as an emerging field of public international law.

Welcome to Global Health Law Groningen Blog

Date:04 January 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
We are witnessing a number of serious challenges in relation to health including a change in disease patterns, some of which are lifestyle-related as well as increasing health inequalities within and between states.