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Results for tag:abortion

The Legal Ban on Sex-Selective Abortions: a Step Backwards to Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights in Armenia

Date:06 August 2017
Author:GHLG Blog
Sex-selective abortions raise moral, legal, and social issues, reinforcing discrimination and sexist stereotypes towards women by devaluing females.[i] In countries like Armenia, where the underlying reason for sex-selective abortions is the widespread son preference, it implies the concept of valuing women only if they are able to produce sons. To tackle son preference in the country and normalize the sex-ratio, in 2016 the Government introduced a legal ban on sex-selective abortions. Whereas the harms of sex-selective abortions are severe, the question is whether such restriction is the most effective and acceptable tool in preventing the practice of sex-selective abortions from occurring and what the implications of such restriction are.

The Committee on ESCR and the Long-Awaited General Comment on the Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health: The Right to Abortion is a Fundamental Human Right

Date:15 March 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
Last 4th of March, the new General Comment No. 22 on the Right to sexual and reproductive health (article 12 of the ICESCR) was adopted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).

The Right to Health – An Empty Promise?

Date:17 September 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
Three perspectives presented at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg EFI Conference in Berlin, 14-16 September 2016

Conscientious Objection or Conscious Oppression?

Date:14 September 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
In October 2012, Uruguay passed Law 18,987 that waives criminal penalties for abortion in the first 12 weeks of gestation.