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Raising awareness through Critical Visual Literacy activities

Critical Visual Literacy (CVL) consists of literacy practices which interrogate the issues of power, diversity and access inherent in visual text production and reception, with a focus on the effects these texts have on the reader and in the world. CVL builds on the principle that all images are constructed, that they are never neutral, but instead work to position the readers to accept a certain version of the “truth” (Janks et al., 2014) In this workshop, we will focus on activities which uncover the biases embedded in the reading and understanding of images. We will present a number of conscious raising activities which will hopefully help participants understand and acknowledge their own positions and pre-conceived notions. Janks, H., Dixon, K., Ferreia, A., Granville, S., & Newfield, D. (2014). Doing critical literacy: Texts and activities for students and teachers. Routledge.

Een workshop door Kristina Thornton en Kim Vankoughnett.
  • Voertaal: Engels
  • Vak: Engels
  • Ronde: 1
Laatst gewijzigd:15 juli 2024 11:02