Africa Sector Database

Comparative studies of structural change and productivity growth have been hampered by the lack of a large-scale international database on output and productivity trends by sector in Africa. The Africa Sector Database (ASD) provides a long-run internationally comparable dataset for eleven Sub-Saharan African countries from 1960 onwards. Variables covered in the data set are annual series of value added, deflators, and persons employed (split by gender) for ten broad sectors of the economy. The Africa Sector Database is directly comparable to the GGDC 10-sector database for Asia and Latin America. Access to the data is provided below:
Attribution requirement : when using these data (for whatever purpose), please make the following reference:
- de Vries, G.J., M.P. Timmer, and K. de Vries (2013). “Structural Transformation in Africa: Static gains, dynamic losses.” GGDC research memorandum 136. Forthcoming in the Journal of Development Studies.
License and funding
The database has been constructed with the financial support of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the DFID/ESRC Growth program, grant agreement ES/J00960/1, PI Margaret McMillan, IFPRI.
Country and variable coverage in the ASD
ASD Acronym | Country | Value Added in current prices | Value Added in constant prices | Employment by sector |
BWA | Botswana | 1964-2010 | 1964-2010 | 1964-2010 |
ETH | Ethiopia | 1961-2010 | 1961-2010 | 1961-2010 |
GHA | Ghana | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 |
KEN | Kenya | 1960-2010 | 1964-2010 | 1969-2010 |
MWI | Malawi | 1960-2010 | 1966-2010 | 1966-2010 |
MUS | Mauritius | 1960-2010 | 1970-2010 | 1970-2010 |
NGA | Nigeria | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 |
SEN | Senegal | 1960-2010 | 1970-2010 | 1970-2010 |
ZAF | South Africa | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 |
TZA | Tanzania | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 | 1960-2010 |
ZMB | Zambia | 1960-2010 | 1965-2010 | 1965-2010 |
Sectors covered in the ASD
ISIC Rev. 3.1 code | ASD sector name | ISIC Rev. 3.1 description |
AtB | Agriculture | Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry, Fishing |
C | Mining | Mining and Quarrying |
D | Manufacturing | Manufacturing |
E | Utilities | Electricity, Gas and Water supply |
F | Construction | Construction |
G+H | Trade services | Wholesale and Retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods, Hotels and Restaurants |
I | Transport services | Transport, Storage and Communications |
J+K | Business services | Financial Intermediation, Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities |
70 | Dwellings | Owner occupied Dwellings (is part of Business services) |
L,M,N | Government services | Public Administration and Defense, Education, Health and Social work |
O,P | Personal services | Other Community, Social and Personal service activities, Activities of Private Households |
TOT | Total Economy | Total Economy |
This document describes the general sources and methods used to construct the ASD, as well as the detailed sources and methods by country. |
Last modified: | 07 December 2021 10.45 a.m. |