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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre Events

Maddison Lectures

Since 2011 the Groningen Growth and Development Centre (GGDC) organises the Maddison Lectures at the University of Groningen. The aim is to bring leading scholars from around the world to Groningen to present on major topics of economic growth and development in a historical and comparative perspective. This follows the footsteps of Angus Maddison, who laid the foundations of research in this discipline at our university.

The event is sponsored by the GGDC and by the Graduate School of Economics and Business of the Faculty of Economics and Business.


On May 30,  Douglas Gollin  of Tufts and Oxford University will give the 2024 Maddison Lecture. Gollin will speak on the topic of Structural Transformation and Growth. Economists have long recognised that for a country to develop, its economy should transform. Traditional emphasis has been on the shift from agriculture to industry, but what Gollin will discuss in his lecture is the need to consider a broader set of transformations: from rural to urban, from home to market (and from market to home), from informal to formal, and from self-employment to wage work. 

The lecture will be on May 30, 15:00 in the Blauwe Zaal (Duisenberg Building, Groningen). After the lecture, there will room for Q&A, followed by drinks and bites in the Plaza.

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2024 Maddison Lecture

Previous Lectures

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William Easterly
Maddison Lecture 2020
Nina Pavcnik
Branko Milanovic
Branko Milanovic
Thomas Piketty
Thomas Piketty
Daron Acemoglu
Daron Acemoglu
Jeffrey Williamson
Jeffrey Williamson
Charles Jones
Charles Jones
Dani Rodrik
Dani Rodrik
Nick Crafts
Nick Crafts
Jan Luiten van Zanden
Jan Luiten van Zanden
James Robinson
James Robinson
Oded Galor
Oded Galor
Dale Jorgenson
Dale Jorgenson
Robert Allen
Robert Allen
Last modified:16 May 2024 12.37 p.m.