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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Global trade peaked with the 2008 financial crisis

Peak trade?

Date:16 September 2016

Marcel Timmer gave a keynote lecture on this topic at a conference organised by the Bank of Lithuania, which also included speakers such as Richard Baldwin, Fabio Ghironi, and Laura Alfaro. The presented research, jointly by Timmer, Bart Los, Gaaitzen de...

Trade impact (source: NY Times; Paul Windle)

NY Times: 70 million Chinese jobs from trade

Date:13 September 2016

The New York Times Magazine picked up research by Bart Los, Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries: "Last year, economists at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, said that by their very rough estimates total foreign demand for Chinese goods may...

Income and Wealth activities

Date:13 September 2016

GGDC researchers played several important roles at the recent General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), in Dresden. This biennial conference brings together academic researchers and official...

PWT 9.0 data corrections

Date:19 August 2016

Thanks to helpful user queries, we have found two computation errors in the PWT 9.0 data that were released on June 9 2016:

GDP per person in China and Vietnam

Vietnam as the next China?

Date:10 August 2016

The Economist uses data from the Penn World Table to illustrate how Vietnam's growth in GDP per capita over de past quarter century matches China's growth experience following its liberalizing reforms in the late 1970s.

Top economist Daron Acemoglu to give next Maddison lecture

Date:10 August 2016

On Saturday November 5, from 11:00–13:00, Daron Acemoglu of MIT will give the next Maddison lecture. Details to follow.

Globalisation & inequality Summer School

Date:10 August 2016

The GGDC Summer School 2016 took place between July 11 and 15 and featured several lectures by Branko Milanović, on inequality and the role of globalisation, as well as lectures by other renowned scholars. Around 25 students from all over the world...

Intangible capital and growth

Date:09 July 2016

On June 30, Wen Chen successfully defended his PhD thesis titled Intangible capital and economic growth. He continues his research career in Groningen as a postdoc on Marcel Timmer's Vici project.

Economic measurement

Date:09 July 2016

Marcel Timmer and Robert Inklaar presented their research at the 2016 conference of the Society for Economic Measurement. Marcel Timmer presented a framework for measuring productivity when production is fragmented across borders and prices are imperfectly...

Input-output conference training

Date:02 July 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Bart Los and Erik Dietzenbacher are teaching a module on Structural Decomposition Analysis as part of the International School of Input-Output Analysis on Monday July 4, ahead of the International Input-Output Conference in Seoul, Korea.