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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Resource misallocation: where to focus attention?

Date:11 January 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Productivity gains from a more efficient allocation of capital and labor across firms are large. However, a recent study of manufacturing firms in low- and middle-income countries by Robert Inklaar, Addisu Lashitew and Marcel Timmer, finds that the gains...

Nominal world GDP trends

World GDP should not be falling

Date:15 December 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

A recent discussion on VoxEU about trends in world GDP illustrates how the wider use of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) would lead to figures that are more readily plausible and easier to interpret.

Man and machine

Date:11 December 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Herman de Jong and Marcel Timmer contributed to the KVS Preadviezen “De match tussen mens en machine” [The match between man and machine], edited by Bas ter Weel. They presented their contributions at the Behandeling van de KVS Preadviezen in The Hague.

Round table on the future of economic growth research

Date:10 December 2015

Marcel Timmer participated in a round table discussion on 'Future Trends in the Economics of Growth', where he talked about the need for more work on growth of welfare, rather than GDP; see his presentation. The round table was hosted by Mark Sanders of...

Expert meeting on Global Value Chains

Date:30 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Gaaitzen de Vries participated in an expert meeting on the Dutch economy in Global Value Chains organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the recent report by De Vries and Timmer on the mutual dependence of manufacturing and services for...

Trade in value added research covered on RTL-Z

Date:25 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Gauging the strength of the Netherlands of a trading nation and analysing where it specialises should use data on trade in value added, rather than the traditional gross trade statistics. Well-known to experts, but Marcel Timmer's research in the...

PWT 9.0: planned features and approximate release

Date:25 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

The next version of the Penn World Table, version 9.0, is currently under development with numerous changes. There is no firm release date at this point, other than 'as soon as possible'. Our best estimate at this point will be a release in the first...

Premature deindustrialization: GGDC data in the Wall Street Journal

Date:25 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

While advanced economies grew rich from specialising in manufacturing and employing a large share of the labor force in this sector, the research of Dani Rodrik suggests that path is no longer available to lower-income economies today. How does he know...

Productivity and convergence paper accepted in JoE

Date:21 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

A paper by Robert Inklaar and Erwin Diewert on "Measuring industry productivity and cross-country convergence" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Econometrics, in a special issue on economic measurement. The paper finds that cross-country...

Manufacturing and services need each other

Date:17 November 2015

Gaaitzen de Vries and Marcel Timmer finished a report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairsand VNO/NCW titled: “Dutch Manufacturing Competing in Global Value Chains”. The report stresses the mutual dependence of manufacturing and services for the...