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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy Group specific courses

PhD supervisors

Qualification Supervision excellence at the University of Groningen

PhD supervision is an important and complex aspect of the work of an experienced researcher and scholar. You are at the same time content expert, co-researcher, coach, and assessor. As a supervisor, you play a key factor in the success of your PhD candidate.

To support you in this important role, the HR Learning and Development team, together with the Groningen Graduate Schools, has created a flexible and hybrid training course that will allow you to expand your knowledge, skills, and expertise, and enable you to become a more efficient and effective supervisor.

Qualification “Supervision Excellence at the University of Groningen”: as easy as 1 - 2 - 3

In order to receive the qualification “PhD Supervision Excellence” you will need to complete the following requirements:R

1. Register by filling the intake form below
2. Complete the online course “Successful PhD Supervision: A Shared Journey” (you can follow this independently and at your own pace).
3. Take part in a minimum of 3 workshops of your choice, if possible, one in each of the three blocks (see below);

Once you complete all the requirements above, you will be prompted to fill in a short questionnaire, which will initiate the issuance of the certificate.

Each workshop is offered multiple times a year and takes place at a location in or near the Academie building in Groningen. During the workshops you will deepen the topics discussed in the online course, and apply them to your own practice. You will do so together with a small group of colleagues from all UG faculties, and with the facilitation of a trainer.

Note that you can register for workshops at any time, independently from the qualification. It is actually recommended that supervisors keep participating in workshops even after completing the qualification.

Please register first by filing the intake form, then sign up for the online course and register for a minimum of three workshops, one from each of the three blocks below.

For questions about the course, or if you are having trouble with the registration, please contact Anna Salzano (a.salzano

Register for the qualification

Intake form

Please fill in the intake form to register for the online course "Supervision Excellence at the University of Groningen"

Online course “Successful PhD Supervision: a Shared Journey”

How to register

Click on the link below to find more information and register for the online course.

Block 1: “The PhD journey”

Workshops related to the first part of the online course

Select at least one workshop from the options below to complement the first part of the online course and qualify for "Supervision excellence":


More information and register:

1.1. PhD selection and interviewing techniques

16 October 2024

More information and register

1.2. Key aspects of supervisory success throughout the PhD trajectory

9 October 2024

More information and register

1.3. Aligning Supervision of Interfaculty PhD projects

08 October 2024

More information and register

Block 2. “A person-centred and growth-oriented approach”

Workshops related to the second part of the online course

Select at least one workshop from the options below to complement the second part of the online course and qualify for "Supervision excellence":


More information and register:

2.1. Effective feedback techniques for PhD supervision

20 November 2024

More information and register

2.2. Coaching techniques for development

10 October 2024

More information and register

2.3. What to do with a Stressed PhD

2 October 2024

More information and register

2.4. Supervision across the neurodiverse spectrum (workshop series)

in development

More information and register

Block 3. “Supervision in context: developing a reflective attitude”

Workshops related to the third part of the online course

Select at least one workshop from the options below to complement the third part of the online course and qualify for "Supervision excellence":


More information and register:

3.1. Supervision across cultures (workshop series)

10 December 2024

More information and register

3.2. Social Safety in PhD supervision

7 November 2024

More information and register

3.3. Intervision and coaching (Peer coaching groups or Individual coaching sessions)

On-going registration

More information and register

Last modified:12 July 2024 4.51 p.m.
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