Our community
The department of Sustainable Health aims for impact from the local to the global level. For this purpose we work together with several partners.
Research partners
- MCL Academie
- Fries Sociaal Planbureau
- Amaryllis Leeuwarden
- Municipality of Leeuwarden
- De Friesland
- 8D games
- Buurtkamers Bilgaard & Oud-Oost
- UMCG Laboratory of Pediatrics
- Centrum voor Obesitas Nederland
- Van Hall Larenstein
- Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands
- Aletta Fryslân: Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
The members of the Sustainable Health departments occasionally write blogposts. Here we will share with you some of the latest feautures. (Some entries are written in Dutch)

Een gezonde leefstijl begint bij jezelf, maar is dat wel zo?
et nieuwe jaar begint vaak met het voornemen om gezonder te leven. Je omgeving kan er echter voor zorgen dat het moeilijk is om je leefstijl blijvend te veranderen. Deze context van gezondheid zou moeten worden meegenomen als we gezondheid meten en als we, samen met mensen zelf, initiatieven ontwikkelen om gezondheid te verbeteren. Belangrijke vragen hierbij zijn: Wat zijn barrières of juist factoren die bijdragen aan iemands beleefde gezondheid? En, hoe kunnen we de invloed van deze factoren meten? In deze blog geven wij onze visie hierop, mede op basis van het onderzoek dat wij deden voor GezondMeten.

The women of CF: Valentina Gallo
I joined Campus Fryslân in April 2020 as a Rosalind Franklin fellow and Associate Professor in Epidemiology and Sustainable Health. Upon my arrival, I also started leading the health flagship at Campus Fryslân. I moved to Groningen, and to the Netherlands, and back to Europe for this job as I lived the past 15 years of my life in London, UK. However, both the living environment and the academic environment in the UK has deteriorated a lot after Brexit; the hostile environment became a reality, and the commercialisation of the higher education sector really led me questioning what was my role there, and if I continued sharing the ethos of universities… I found the Rosalind Franklin scheme radical, refreshing, and innovative, and I wanted to be part of a move in the right direction. Campus Fryslân turned out to be just the perfect place where to be, with its focus on sustainability and global challenges, and its intrinsic interdisciplinary nature.

A new stop for the neighbour and neighbour van
This year’s final project for the course Introduction to Global Health was done in collaboration with an amazing community initiative: Buurvrouw & Buurvrouw Bus. A Buurvrouw is a neighbour in Dutch.
The goal of the Buurvrouw & Buurvrouw Bus is to (re)discover the value of the neighbour in an effort to move towards a more social and inclusive society. When you ask: “who needs a neighbour?”, the answer is, of course, everyone. This also means that everyone can be a neighbour themselves; it is a title free from gender, age, origin, religion, etc.
Last modified: | 19 May 2023 11.19 a.m. |