Some important international surveys on Undergraduate Medical Cancer Education, 1976 - 2007
- Bakemeier RF, et al. Cancer Education Survey: Institutional Educational Resources for cancer education in U.S. Medical Schools. Vol. 1. DHHS Publication # 81-2255. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 1981.
- Bakemeier RF, Deegan J Jr, Miller AS. Cancer Education Survey: Institutional Educational Resources for cancer education in U.S. Dental Schools. Vol. 2. DHHS Publication # 81-2256. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 1981.
- Bakemeier RF, Deegan J Jr. Cancer Education Survey: Cancer Faculty in U.S. Medical Schools. Vol. 3. DHHS Publication # 81-2257. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 1981.
- Bakemeier RF, Black GS, Deegan J Jr. Cancer Education Survey: Medical students and cancer education in U.S. Medical Schools. Vol. 4. DHHS Publication # 81-2258. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 1981.
- Bakemeier RF, et al. Cancer Education Survey. Final Report. Cancer Education in U.S. Medical Schools. Vol 6. DHHS Publication # 81-2260. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 1981.
- WHO-EURO reports and studies # 49. Undergraduate education in cancer in the European Region. Copenhagen, Regional Office for Europe. WHO, 1981.
- Haagedoorn EML. Aspects of cancer education for professionals. Thesis. Groningen University, 1985.
- EORTC/EC report. A curriculum in oncology for medical students in Europe. Brussels, 1988. Undergraduate medical cancer education lacks behind the developments in medical education. Project of the EORTC Education and Training Division, Supported by the European Commission DG V / File No: SOC 96 200656 05F02.
- Bender W, Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J. Cancer Education in Europe according to Medical Faculty and Medical Students. Report, Second WHO/UICC Survey on Undergraduate Medical Cancer Education in Europe (1991/1992). Groningen, the Netherlands, WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 1993. This website
- Tattersall MH, Langlands AO, Smith W, Irwig L. Undergraduate education about cancer. A survey of clinical oncologists and clinicians responsible for cancer teaching in Australian medical schools. Eur J Cancer 1993: 29A:1639-42
- Cellerino R, Graziano F, Piga A, Ghetti V. The teaching of clinical oncology in Italian medical schools. A survey among teachers and students. Ann Oncol. 1993; 4:717-721
- Bender W, Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J: Summary report of the Second WHO/UICC Survey on undergraduate medical cancer education in Europe (1991/1992). In: Sherman CD (ed): Undergraduate medical student cancer education in Europe: current status of cancer education in Europe and recommendations of a WHO/UICC workshop. Geneva, UICC, 1994
- Ramakrishnan S, Bolger JJ, Dunn KS, Neal FE, Hancock BW. Undergraduate medical teaching in departments of oncology in the United Kingdom: a questionnaire survey. J Cancer Educ. 1993; 8:25-30
Last modified: | 27 November 2015 4.11 p.m. |