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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Y. (Yaroslava) Lopatina, Dr


Exerting pulling forces in fluids by directional disassembly of microcrystalline fibres

Polar Self-Organization of Ferroelectric Nematic-Liquid-Crystal Molecules on Atomically Flat Au(111) Surface

Molecular Engineering of the Kinetic Barrier in Seeded Supramolecular Polymerization

Size Effect of Local Current-Voltage Characteristics of MX 2Nanoflakes: Local Density of States Reconstruction from Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Experiments

Correlation between Corrugation-Induced Flexoelectric Polarization and Conductivity of Low-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

Structures and Dynamics in Thiolated Diamantane Derivative Monolayers

Adsorption of hexacontane on atomically-flat surfaces of graphite and Au(111)

Alkylthiol self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) with tailored tail groups for attaching gold nanoparticles

Structure, morphology, and photoluminescence of vacuum deposited rubrene thin layers

Self-organization of long-chain aliphatic molecules and their derivatives on atomically flat surfaces